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I use these three spiritual hot wires to get me going every day

I use these three spiritual hot wires to get me going every day

I accidentally stepped into a 440-watt power room and heard the “hmmm” of incredible power. I slowly backed out of the room!

When you plug the positive, negative, and ground electricity wires in, they instantly light up your house.  In the same way, God has three powerful currents that bring spiritual power into your life.  

These three simple commands can change your day in one moment.

Paul gave them as three quick commands:  “Rejoice always.  Pray without ceasing.  Give thanks in all circumstances.” (1 Thess. 5: 16)

Sounds easy.  

Let’s plug these three “hot wires” into your life and watch the lights come on!

  1.  Rejoice always.

Let’s face it:  not everything makes us happy.  This world is filled with sadness.  

Happiness only comes when circumstances are just right.  Joy comes from perspective.

It’s a command:  “re-joice.”

Paul used it repeatedly when writing from prison:  “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice” (Phil. 4: 4).

Smile. Don’t take yourself or others so seriously.  Back off and look at your circumstances ten years from now.  That’s perspective.

It’s going to be OK.  Laugh at something in your circumstances. 

Discipline yourself to enjoy life even when things are miserable.  

2.  Pray without ceasing.

Who can do that?

Is Paul saying to pray nonstop (continually)?  Or is he saying to “continue” in prayer (don’t quit)?

Daniel prayed consistently, three times a day.  It got him thrown in the lion’s den.  However, as we know, he ran into an angel down there who shut the lion’s mouth!

Don’t stop praying.

We tend to get discouraged that God has not heard our prayer.  He seemingly delays to unbearably close calls.  We panic, stop praying, and start frantically taking matters into our own hands.

Praise Him continually that He hears your prayers.  Don’t question His will or His love for you.  

Keep praying even when it seems no one is listening. God is.

3.  Give thanks in all circumstances.

“In all circumstances” is the qualifier.  

We have become a culture of dissatisfaction.  We want to render our review and constantly air our complaints on every experience:  restaurants, businesses, and even churches.

God is a good God.  He doesn’t want our review of Him.  He wants our gratitude for Him.

Through Him then, let us CONTINUALLY offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that GIVE THANKS to His name” (Heb. 13: 15) 

  • Make it CONTINUAL.  Thank Him for your home, your car, your job, your clothes, your food, your family, your health, your friends, your nation, your salvation, your church, your life.

  • Make it VERBAL:  “…the fruit of our lips.”  Let your ears hear your mouth thanking God.  

  • Make it PERSONAL:  express your thanksgiving to God Himself.  It draws you closer to Him and enhances your relationship with Him.

“Rejoice always, don’t stop praying, give thanks.”

Plug the three “hot wires” of God’s power into the darkness of your day.  Watch the lights come on!

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