The 5 Awesome Attributes of God's Love for You
Every human being wants the answer to the question, “Does God really love me?”
I can tell you right now, He deeply loves YOU. I can prove that to you by a simple study of God’s own Name.
Moses met with God on top of Sinai (to get the 10 Commandments). God passed by him and called out loud His powerful Name:
“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in covenant love and faithfulness…” (Ex. 34:6).
There they are. The 5 awesome attributes of His love.
Here is how they apply to me and to you:
1. “God is…MERCIFUL.”
This word also means “compassionate.” The Good Samaritan felt compassion toward the man in the ditch. God is moved with love, mercy, and compassion toward every human being’s misery that sin has caused.
Forever banish the thought that God couldn’t care less about you. He is “moved with compassion.” His feelings toward you can never be measured.
2. “God is…GRACIOUS.”
God’s deep feelings of compassion and mercy result in His desire to forgive you. God “longs to be gracious.” The Prodigal Son’s father forgave Him the moment He returned home in repentance.
WE ARE THE PRODIGALS. We are far from God. There is no limit to His forgiveness if we truly return to Him with all of our heart and receive that forgiveness.
3. “God is…SLOW TO ANGER.”
God is perfect, and we are human. Forgiveness does not mean instant perfection. We are a “work in progress.” He sees our lifetime as His opportunity to change us into the image of His perfect Son, Christ Jesus.
His Word changes us. His Spirit changes us. His people help us to change. Step by step, layer by layer, He works in us like a sculptor creating a masterpiece.
“There is no limit to God’s forgiveness if we truly return to Him with all of our heart and receive that forgiveness.”
4. “God is…COVENANT LOVE.”
Let’s go one step deeper: God called His name “COVENANT LOVE.” In the Bible, this word describes marriage. Marriage is covenant love. Two people enter a solemn, committed, lifetime relationship. God’s love is covenant love. It is not flighty and flippant. It is eternal.
Rest in His love. Have no fear of His betraying you. Lay back in His love and enjoy your relationship with Him. Nothing can separate you from His eternal love (Rom. 8:38).
5. “God is…FAITHFUL.”
God has not only forgiven you, been patient with you, and married you, He loves to protect you. God protected Israel because He was married to them. He will also be your “keeper” (Ps. 121:5).
We all walk through trials and difficulties. That does not mean God does not love you. He promised that He would NEVER leave us or forsake us, even when we walk through the “valley of the shadow of death.”
Back up to step one. Have you allowed His deep compassion to be gracious to you and forgive you?
Do it now. It will start you on a journey walking with an eternal God who loves you deeply until you see Him face to face.