A soft heart is the cure for a stiff neck.
A whole generation of three million people missed the Promised Land.
The reason? A “stiff neck.”
Surely, it was lack of food, wrong GPS coordinates, SOMETHING.
No, it was an attitude.
Here is how you keep that attitude from affecting your destiny.
Here is how to clear your mind when it is troubled
Eve stood before the forbidden fruit tree.
Its color was beautiful, it looked delicious, and it would make her far more intelligent.
In her heart, she knew she should not eat it.
One little thought changed the entire world as we know it: “Has God said…?”
You can see a new reality through the eyes of faith
It’s easy to walk by sight. Virftual reality has changed that so what we “see” and what we “know to be true” may be different.
Here are four easy ways to change your “sight” into faith…
In a storm, throw out the four anchors of faith
If you are in a wild storm, God has four principles that will “anchor” you. Drop these four anchors into your storm and you will come out of it!
This is the greatest prescription for a wounded relationship
Any wounded relationship can be healed. It just takes the right prescription. Here are eight words that are guaranteed to begin the process of healing…
Finding destiny in all your disappointments
You can never “figure out” a disappointment. The secret of victory comes when you realize it is moving you toward your destiny.
How to position your mind for incredible success
Your mind is either propelling you toward or blocking you from success. Let’s get it renewed!
Why People Get Lonely Even When They Are Married
People think that when they get married they will “never be lonely again.” Wrong.
Loneliness in marriage is predictable. The longer you live together, the less you feel the need to talk. No wonder so many empty-nesters divorce after their kids leave: the silence is deafening.
What causes it and how do we cure it?
Having been married over 40 years, I think I have finally figured out why we all struggle with this.
This is what integrity means in your daily life.
Our nation needs integrity right now more than anything else. Here are the top five areas I focus on to exhibit integrity in today’s world.
These Three things show you how to defeat the impossible
All of us are hesitant to “step out” to do the impossible. Here are three secrets to empower you to “cross your Jordan.”
This Is How Becoming A “Receiver” Can Change Your Life
Learning to receive is one of the greatest lessons of faith. When you need an answer to prayer, check your “receiver”!
Here are three things about Jesus that makes prayer more powerful
Jesus occupies three “positions” in heaven. All three of them can radically change your prayer life!
How “It is finished” can radically change your new year!
All of us try to drag unfinished things into a New Year. Jesus’ last words were, “It is finished.” How does that apply to your work as you close a year and start another one?
This is how “covenant” changes everything in life.
In today’s shifting world, we all need an anchor. Here are four principles of the anchor called “covenant.”
I am determined to make this Christmas more about "presence" than "presents"
The commercialism of Christmas is in high gear. Amazon trucks are rolling. Malls are packed. Trees and tinsel prepare for the Christmas Day “loot.”
There is a “presence,” an atmosphere in Christmas that’s about a lot more than Santa Claus.
Mega-joy and it’s power to bring a miracle
“Mega-joy” is supernatural rejoicing. It is what they do in heaven and what we should do BEFORE we receive our miracle.
4 Major Perspectives That Will Help You to Forgive
All of us face hurt.
Some of us choose to forgive.
The rest of us live in bitterness.
How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.
Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
You will hopelessly hold on to hurt until you realize what He knew:
Forgiveness becomes easier when we realize our hurt is really Satan vs. God. People are just caught in the middle.”
How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.
Here are 4 perspectives that will help you to forgive:
Eight skills of wisdom you need to solve any problem
Would you like some wisdom to solve a problem? These eight issues will help you get the “wisdom of heaven” on the scene for you in anything you deal with.
This is how to never lack your daily bread
It’s easy to think so “long-term” about finances. How about God’s provision for you and me today? Here are five thoughts on how to believe and appreciate your “daily bread.”
Did anyone tell you how rich you are?
Everyone is pursuing riches. Here is a list of some of the riches you may not realize you already have…