How to position your mind for incredible success
Your mind is either propelling you toward or blocking you from success. Let’s get it renewed!
These Three things show you how to defeat the impossible
All of us are hesitant to “step out” to do the impossible. Here are three secrets to empower you to “cross your Jordan.”
This Is How Becoming A “Receiver” Can Change Your Life
Learning to receive is one of the greatest lessons of faith. When you need an answer to prayer, check your “receiver”!
These three things will keep your heart happy
Emotional health comes from a happy heart. Try these three simple but effective ways to lift your heart when it is down...
Three simple ways to really get answers to prayer
The Bible gives us three clear, easy steps to getting our prayers answered from God…
This is how you rapidly increase your appetite for God
We all tend to have a very healthy appetite for food. How is your spiritual appetite doing? Try these three keys to all spiritual hunger.
How to walk in holiness even in these last days...
In these dark days before the return of Christ, God is looking for believers who walk in holiness. Here are three thoughts to keep in mind at all times so your lifestyle stays pure and godly in a compromised world:
I use these three spiritual hot wires to get me going every day
It takes three wires to conduct electricity. It also takes three actions to bring the power of God into your situation.
I have discovered the greatest secret of success in the entire world: “humility”
The world is crazy about self-promotion. God’s mighty power, however, is revealed through humility.
Combine These 3 Powerful Forces Together And Watch Your Mountain Move
Are you looking a mountain in the face? Does it feel impossible?
8 Signs of a Judgmental Spirit and How to Overcome It
“Judge not.”
No Biblical phrase has been more overused (or abused). Was Jesus actually saying we should have no discernment? What actually DID He mean and how do we steer clear of breaking His commandment?
Here are the 8 signs of judgmentalism and how we overcome it in our own lives:
The Danger of Haste
I hate cruise control. I hate it but I love it. But I hate it. It is so limiting. It requires me to go only at a certain pace. I love it because I can relax and just ride. I hate it because I want to get there ahead of the guy in front of me! In our world today, everyone is in a hurry. Patients are dying in hospitals because of the haste to move on to the next patient. Everyone is on the move. We are squeezing every second out of one activity to pour into the next one.
Slip Your Sock Down
Against his parents strict orders, a little boy was sliding on his wood floors at home without his socks. A splinter lodged in his foot. He tried to ignore it, butafter several days of hobbling his mother demanded he slip his sock off. There, she saw the truth. She gingerly pulled the splinter out and he began his healing process. Do you have a splinter in your foot?
How to Stop the Fighting in Your Family
How many times do couples fight per year? A British insurance survey said 2,455 (that’s 7 per day!).
Out of 28 sources of fights, I picked out 10:
How To Overcome Your Personal Fear
FEAR is the biggest enemy to your future.
It comes in many forms, mainly having to do with your future: failure, rejection, lack, or death (to name a few). Abram was mighty in battle yet his deepest fear was not having a successor.
How will you overcome the fears that limit you?
How To Turn Every Dead End Into A Powerful Door Of Hope
I’ve been there, haven’t you? A dead project. A dead dream. A dead relationship. A dead business. No hope.
Stand Up Tall and Look Your Problems in the Eye
I can look at some people and see defeat. They look like they have lost: Head down, shoulders slumped, eyes down.
How To Look At Problems With The Amazing Eyes Of Your Heart
Which eyes are you looking at your problems with: your natural eyes or the eyes of your heart?
These 4 Solutions Start Your Healing When You Have A Deep Soul Wound
A “soul wound” feels like an emotional sword. It is a deep, intense crying and pain. It can come from rejection, loneliness, depression, and many sources.