This is how you rapidly increase your appetite for God

We usually have an excellent physical appetite (sometimes too good!).  We see a chocolate cake or a cold milkshake and start salivating.

How about our spiritual appetite?  What makes us hungry for God’s Word and His Presence?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Mt. 5:6)

The Message Bible says, "You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.”

If you’ve lost your spiritual appetite, I can help you with that.

Think about these things to increase your appetite for the food that truly satisfies:

1.Reading the Bible feeds your spirit.

Someone said, “We feed our body three hot meals a day.  We feed our spirit one cold snack a week!”

We would hardly think of not eating one day.  Treat the Bible the same way.  Your inner man (your spirit) is craving nourishment.

I found that the more I “eat” in the Bible, the hungrier I get!

I like to do my reading plan in the morning.  My mind is alert, and my spirit is hungry for a Word from the Lord.

2. Time in worship satisfies your inner thirst.

As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God” (Ps. 42: 1-2)

David is talking about a hunted buck that lets out an audible cry of thirst.

Worship is standing before God.  It is thanking Him, praising Him, and loving Him.

I challenge you this year to give your spirit a drink.  In church, in the car, or your private place, you can commune with God.  

If you don’t know how to get started, start with reading one psalm a day out loud to God.  Stop and “selah” (pause and think about these things) while your spirit drinks deeply!

3. Your soul craves time with other Christians.

Church is not a duty.  It is a feast!  A feast of “fellowship.”

You are surrounded by others who love Jesus.  You are given time to worship.  You are served a spiritual meal from the Scripture!

When your soul is downcast, find a good “life-giving” church to attend.  Find one where people are joyful and helpful.  

If your soul wants more fellowship, try joining a small group.  There are groups for every age demographic, geographic area, and interest.  Deep, abiding relationships in small groups meet an inner need in your soul for fellowship.

Now, your appetite is voracious!

You are craving the Word of God, longing for time in the presence of God, and reaching out to other Christians for fellowship.

Why not make these three things your only spiritual goals this year?

If you are spiritually weak, dry, and lonely, these three “appetite boosters” will bring your spirit into spiritual fitness…and fatness!


This is how courage is the gateway to your destiny


When was the last time you stepped out to obey God in faith?