How to position your mind for incredible success

This is not another blog about “mental soul power.”  The world is full of books about that.

What I will talk about is “spirit power.” The secret of success is positioning your mind not to BLOCK the power of your spirit.

As a Christian, my mind must be “renewed” (Rom. 12:2). My body must be “presented as a living sacrifice” (Rom. 12: 1).

When I do that, I’m in the will of God.  Now, my spirit and the faith that is in my spirit can take over my life.

Here are several powerful truths about the “renewal of the mind”:

  1.  The mind has to take sides.

The “flesh” (your body) always tries to pull you toward sin, defeat, and discouragement.  

The “flesh” tries to enlist the mind as its partner.  When the flesh and the mind join forces, you live a life of addiction, bondage, guilt, and all the things unsaved people deal with.

Sadly enough, even baby (“carnal, fleshly”) Christians live in this same area.  Their thought life joins in with the desires of the flesh to keep them in bondage.

“Among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the flesh and the mind (Eph. 2: 3).

2. A renewed mind agrees with the spirit.

Someone said, “The unrenewed mind ARGUES with the spirit and the renewed mind AGREES with the spirit.

Faith is in your spirit.  God’s Word is in your Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is in your spirit.  

Success comes when you stop listening to the fleshly “arguments” being fed into your mind. Some examples:

  • “God doesn’t really love you.  He has left you alone and uncared for.”

  • “You had it better before you got involved in that Christian stuff.”

  • “Everyone else gets raises, but why do you never have enough?”

You will have to CAST DOWN those arguments from the flesh actively!

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10: 5)

3.  Peace is the fruit of a renewed mind.

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace” (Rom. 8: 6)

Are you anxious or worried?  

Your mind is teaming up with the flesh.

Want to move back into peace?

Connect your mind to your spirit where the “Spirit of peace” lives.

It’s that simple.

When thoughts of fear and anxiety hit your mind, say this out loud:  “Satan, you are a LIAR.  God’s Word tells me to cast my care on Him for He cares for me.”

THAT is a renewed mind!

Pay attention to your thoughts.  Is it teaming up with your flesh or your spirit?

Two against one will always win.  

Position your mind for great success, and let’s enjoy our greatest year ever!


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