Does something look impossible?  God has ways and means far beyond your mind.

Israel was confronted by giants ten feet tall in Canaan.  “Hopeless,” they thought.

They didn’t know about the HORNET.

I was walking in the woods as a child pushing on fence posts.  Out of one of the holes came a pack of hornets so fierce they knocked me to the ground.

God used millions of these large, venomous insects to chase down and destroy the seven armies of Canaan.  All dead.

God has “ways and means.”

Here is what that means for you in your “impossibility”:

  1.  Quit trying to figure out HOW God will bring you through this.

We tend to think of God as a very talented human being.

He’s not.  He’s God.

He has “ways and means” we cannot even dream of.

Isaiah said, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways.” (Isa. 55:8)

Give it up to Him.  Just let Him be God.  He already figured out your “way of escape” before the problem arose.

2. You can relax. You don’t have to control everything.

We do our best to solve our day-to-day problems.  However, when it comes to something “impossible,” you may as well hand it over to God.

That’s His department.  

Let Him deploy His troops.  Let Him find a boy with five loaves and two fish.  Let him find a fish with a gold coin in his MOUTH!

Unorthodox rescues are His specialty.

Hand Him the car keys and have a seat on the passenger side.  He’s in control now.

3. Start laughing at the “impossibility.”

I had a friend whose restaurant was closed for lack of business.  He had to pass the boarded-up building every day.  Miserable.  Impossible.

One day, the Lord told him to laugh at his impossibility.  He finally got out one “Ha” as he passed it.

A few days later, a man approached him and said he made Tennessee's best bowl of chili.  

My friend re-opened the restaurant.  From day one, there was a line standing outside to get in.

“Laugh at your impossibility.”

4.  Look for the “way of escape.”

The Bible tells us that with every temptation comes a “way of escape” (1 Cor. 10:13).

The same is true with “impossibilities.”  God has a plan, a way to cross the Red Sea when Pharaoh is bearing down on you with his armies and his chariots.

Christ just walked through his enemies when they were going to push Him over the cliff.  How did he do that?  God made a “way of escape.”

He is going to make a way for you also.

Your “impossibility” doesn’t sound quite so impossible anymore.

  • Quit trying to figure out God’s methods.  

  • Relax and give God the keys.  

  • Start laughing with God at your problem.  

  • Look for His way of escape.

He is the CHAIRMAN of the “Ways and Means” committee.

Don’t forget about the hornet!


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