Every Powerful Day Starts From The Inside

We stay glued to the Weather Channel:  “What’s happening on the OUTSIDE today?”

I wish we would be as attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit:  “What’s happening on the INSIDE today?”

It was a great leap forward for me when I starting focusing on what I had on the inside of me more than what was happening on the outside of me.

Jesus told His disciples, “The Holy Spirit dwells WITH you and will be IN you” (Jn. 14: 7).

Here are some practical ways that perspective affects my daily “outlook”:

God inside Me is never afraid.

  • The Holy Spirit inside me is the opposite of the “spirit of fear.”  If I look at the outward circumstances around me, I can become terrified of the world’s “craziness.”

  • The Holy Spirit in me gives me His PEACE.  He is in charge.  He is at rest. He has no fear, no worry, no doubt about the outcome of anything.

  • Surrender to God within you.  He is MIGHTIER than any foe, any fear, any failure.

God inside me is never confused.

  • The Holy Spirit inside me, by God’s Word, created everything in Genesis 1.  He “moved on the face of the waters.”  Therefore, He has the ANSWER for every problem.

  • My natural mind is limited.  My natural mind hits a brick wall when it comes to certain problems and how to solve them.

  • The Holy Spirit, if I listen to His inward voice, has the ANSWER to every decision and perplex problem I face.  I surrender my anxious thoughts and wait to hear His inward voice.

God inside me is never angry.

  • People will frustrate you.  They will get on your nerves, especially when you are driving!

  • The Holy Spirit within me always walks in love.  He restrains my anger.  He “pours out His love within me” (Rom. 5: 5).  He gives me incredible patience and long-suffering when people are agitating me.

  • Ask Him to help you when you feel yourself getting frustrated and angry.

God inside me is never lonely.

  • I travel a lot.  Staying in a hotel room alone for days on end, night after night, makes time slow down.  You stare at the same four walls.  

  • There is a natural sadness when you are alone.  

  • The God inside me never leaves me.  I don’t have to ask Him to be with me.  He is inside of me.  He was with me when I left, is with me right now, and will be with me when I return!

  • You can pray and worship continually “in the Spirit.”  You can talk to Him, enjoy His presence, and sense His companionship 24 hours a day.  You are “never alone.”

Every powerful day starts from the inside.”

Start every day by tuning in to the “Spirit Channel” instead of the “Weather Channel.”

Stir up His inward peace, direction, love, and companionship every morning.

Stay “inward” all day.  You’ll find that the weather is a lot better on the “inside” than on the “outside.”


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