Feeling like your world is spinning?  You may be on the potter’s wheel.

I was in Turkey at a beautiful underground pottery factory.

“Would you like to try?” the owner asked me, pointing to the potter’s wheel.  It looked easy enough, but it wasn’t.

Too much speed and the clay flew off.  Too little speed, and you couldn’t shape it.  Too little water and the clay wouldn’t mold.  I ended up with…MUSH.

His skillful hands could raise, lower, thicken, or flatten the clay into something gorgeous.

Do you feel a little out of control right now?  You may be on God’s potter’s wheel (Jeremiah 18).  

Here are some “thoughts from the potter’s wheel”:

 1. You may be going in the wrong direction, and God is doing a “start over” with you.

The master potter could smash the whole pile of clay at any moment and start completely over.

What feels out of control may be God just breaking you down to start a new direction.  

The Potter is fearless in doing that.  He sees something much more beautiful than what He originally started.

Relax, let His hands re-shape your life.

2. He may have speeded up the process to cause you to rise much higher.

It takes more speed on the wheel to lift a vessel.  When things feel like they are moving too fast, God is preparing to elevate you!

Sudden work changes, relationship shifts, and financial challenges can be scary.  You can rest, knowing that your life is not out of control.  He has a vision of a larger, higher capacity YOU!

3. God is very “high-touch” and “hands-on” with your life.

Imagine your children.  You don’t just leave them alone in their young lives.  You stay “hands-on” to be sure their character is being molded correctly.

God never removes His hands from you.  He sees your most intricate flaws, challenges, talents, and potential.  He works with you night and day to change you into HIS image.

For it is God who works in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure…“(Philippians 2:13).

4. Don’t get mad at people God is using to help to shape you.

God places people in our lives who can make us uncomfortable.  They are “shapers.”

Bosses, coaches, parents, neighbors, co-workers, and a host of “shapers” are the “fingers” in the Potter’s hands.

We resent them and run from them.  The Potter knows that you must be formed by them and learn to live with them, deal with them, even LOVE them!

It takes pressure to mold you, and He uses a small army of people around you to get you exactly where He wants you to be.

Just be a big lump of clay in God’s hands.

Quit trying to shape yourself.  Just lie in His hands, let Him pour water on you when He wants, and let Him speed up or slow down the process as HE wills.

Imagine how beautiful you will be when He puts the final touches on your life!


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