10 Spectacular Secrets to a Happy Heart
For all it’s wealth, America ranked 14th on the “World Happiness Index” recently. Whatever happened to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?”
Does not a strong economy bring automatic happiness? Absolutely not.
Here are my top 10 secrets to maintaining a happy heart, regardless of my environment:
1. Gratitude
This big boy ranks first for me. When my mind switches toward the blessings of my spouse, children, health, career, friends, and eternal future I get happy. Go ahead and make a list.
2. Purpose
Everyone needs a REASON to swing their legs over the side of the bed. Purpose is the “one significant impact I choose to leave upon the world.” It keeps you motivated.
3. Freedom
I’ve travelled the world and seen people living in authoritarian bondage. I think often of the multitude of choices I have in where to live, eat, study, worship, marry, and recreate just to name a few. Enjoy your freedom today.
4. Beauty
I live in a state of natural beauty. If you don’t, you are probably only an hour away from it. From the mountains to the beach to the marsh to the desert, lakes, and woods around my state, I come alive in the outdoors.
5. Order
For all it’s failures and shortcomings, our nation has sophisticated transportation, shopping, restaurants, law enforcement and government. My life can unfold within a structure of peace, provision, and safety.
“When my mind switches toward the blessings of my spouse, children, health, career, friends, and eternal future I get happy.”
6. Babies
I have 13 grandchildren from age 8 to 2 months. They are the hope of the future. They are bright, fun and excited. Just being around little ones makes happiness bubble up inside me.
7. Elderly
If you haven’t had the joy of being around an octogenarian, you are missing out! They are full of wisdom, stories, and hilarious perspectives. The seven years my Dad lived with me before he left earth were actually the happiest of my entire life.
8. Nationalities
I just returned from Dubai and France where I met with 600 leaders from all over the world in two conferences. The culture, humor, and compassion of great world leaders sends me through the roof. Enjoy the unique contribution of each nationality.
9. Comfort
Your home may not win “Garden of the Month,” but I bet you enjoyed your pillow last night! Precious little feels better than warm covers, a hot meal, and a hot shower. Stop and enjoy these small creature comforts to renew your perspective.
10. Peace
I saved this one for last. Paul was in prison, shipwreck, danger, hunger, and beatings continually. In spite of that, he said, “I think myself happy.”
Knowing that all sin has been scrubbed from your heart and conscience is priceless. Knowing that heaven awaits the end of your difficult journey changes everything. Put your temporary problems and challenges out into the blinding glory of eternity.
Let these ten attitudes control your mind, your relationships, and your decisions. The world feeds off the negative: You feed off the positive.
Have a HAPPY day!