Here are three things that faith is and three that faith is not

Faith is beautiful.  Like electricity in the natural world, it is a mighty power in the spiritual world.

Faith has stopped the sun.  Faith has opened a sea.  Faith has raised the dead.  Faith created the universe.

What is this incredible power, and how does it work?  Why does it not seem to work in certain situations?

Here are six answers to a few of those questions:

 1. Faith is a trust relationship.

We don’t have “faith in faith.”  We have “faith in God.”  He is a Person we can trust.  His character is always good regardless of what we see.  

I trust Him.  He is my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer.  Despite my feelings or experiences, He never changes and is always good.

Look up to heaven and tell Him, “I trust You.”

2.  Faith is a Word.

God has given His Word.  There are thousands of promises He has made.  His character and His integrity are behind each one of them.  They cannot fail.

That said, I like to wait upon the Lord until one of those promises is dropped into my heart.  It is usually one particular promise that releases faith in my heart.

 3. Faith is a battle.

Paul said, “Fight the good fight of faith.”  He described an armor with a “shield of faith.”  

Satan does not want you to receive what God has promised.  You will have to “stand.”  You will win the battle, but always require patience and determination.

Don’t give up, even when you see nothing.  Faith will possess what grace has purchased.

Here are three things that faith is “not.”

1.  Faith is not presumption.

Satan told Jesus to jump from the 90 ft. high pinnacle of the temple.  Jesus refused, telling Satan, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”

Faith is not foolishness.  It does not attempt life-and-death feats where you require God to “perform.”

2. Faith is not demanding.

Israel wanted more than their daily manna.  They demanded meat as well.  They asked God, “Can God spread a table in the wilderness?” 

He answered their prayer with quail dropping by the trainloads, yet many died while they were chewing it.

Faith is satisfied with “what” and “when” God provides.  It does not demand a Maserati when a Mazda will do just fine.

3.  Faith is not striving.

Faith is a “rest.”

When we strive, we get ahead of God.  We make unnecessary mistakes.  We choose the “good” instead of waiting for the “best.”

The Old Testament word for “faith” is of a baby contentedly resting in its mother's arms.

No strife.  No wrestling.  No turmoil.  “Rest.”

The Lord often told His people, “Be still. Be quiet. Be confident.”

I hope you know more about faith now.  This mysterious, powerful force is how God operates.  When we step out on the water and obey His voice, it pleases Him.

The just will live by faith.”


In these crazy times, I love the four elements of “The Prayer of Peace”


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