I found the 10 greatest reasons to praise the Lord

We don’t need “reasons” to praise the Lord.  

We praise Him because of His identity and who He is.

Psalm 150, however, provides a complete description of the atmosphere of praise around God’s throne.

Here are 10 of the most excellent reasons our hearts should praise God every day:

1. Praise God in His “sanctuary”

God has an awesome sanctuary in heaven. He is surrounded by living creatures, elders, and hundreds of millions of angels. His Shekinah glory radiates out of His throne, and He is enveloped in a cloud of glory.

2. Praise Him in His “mighty heavens”

Scientists say there are 1 “septillion” stars (that’s a 1 followed by 24 zeroes)! God created the entire universe over and around His throne.

3.  Praise Him for His “mighty deeds”

How about things like parting the Red Sea and evacuating 2-3 million Israelite slaves in one night (killing all of Pharaoh’s army!)?  Think about His feeding all of those people manna for 40 years while providing rivers of water from rocks in the desert.  He is MIGHTY.

4.  Praise Him for His “excellent greatness”

His eternal attributes are astounding: He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present everywhere at once. The very definition of excellence is “Perfect.”

5.  Praise Him with the “trumpet”

Trumpets blow in heaven.  They represent the “forward motion of an army or kingdom.”  God is always mobilizing forward to accomplish His purposes and eternal victories.

6.  Praise Him with the “lute and harp”

This praise is for His “regal majesty.”  When Prince Charles turned sixty, sixty harpists played before Him.  Each elder around the throne of God holds a harp and plays continually of His glory and His majesty.

7.  Praise Him with the “tambourine and dance.”

After the Red Sea miracle, the people grabbed tamborines and began to dance on the seashore.  It was a victory dance, a rejoicing over God’s victories over the forces of evil.  He is a VICTORIOUS GOD!

8.  Praise Him with “stringed instruments and organs”

Guitars and organs are instruments of JOY.  The environment around God’s throne is excitement!  Heaven is not sleepy and boring, it is eternal joy and perpetual celebration by sinners who have become saints.

9. Praise Him with “high-sounding cymbals”

Small, tinkling cymbals represent God’s delicate love and tender kindness.  He is infinitely compassionate, even knowing when a sparrow falls to the ground, or one of His children is in a difficult situation.

10.  Praise Him with “loud-sounding cymbals”

The crash of the loud cymbal speaks about creation.  Scientists call it the “big boom,” the moment God said, “Let there be light.”  His creation still produces music from that first infinite explosion of the universe.

I’m sure there are a million more reasons to praise God, but these are all in one Psalm!

Try praising God for these ten attributes, atmospheres, and activities of heaven.

Our problems and difficulties will seem very small if we enter into God’s great praise going on in heaven!


Here’s how to think until the trouble is over.


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