In a spiritual battle? There's an armor that's critical to victory

ONE exposed area on a warrior can be deadly.

For all his massive armor, the nine-foot-tall Goliath never dreamed a little spot on his forehead was exposed.

David found that one weakness and took him out.

Satan probes our weaknesses.  Every single part of us MUST be “covered.

Ephesians 6 speaks about putting on the armor of God to “withstand” the devil's strategies.

You may be missing one small piece, and he is hammering you.

Here are the critical pieces of God’s armor to have in place in a battle:

1. The belt of TRUTH

This is your first place to check: your honesty, genuineness, transparency, and sincerity.  

This belt held the sword and the breastplate.  Everything “hinged” upon it.

Are there secret areas of deception in my life?  Satan knows about them. 

I have to get honest, get transparent, get “real.”  I may not be perfect, but I am walking in the light.

Everything starts there.  Place any secret sin under the blood of Christ and put on the belt of TRUTH.

2.  Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS

Now that you have repented of any secret sin and been forgiven, put on “righteousness”:  Righteousness is having a perfectly clean conscience.

It’s one thing to be forgiven.  It’s another to be made righteous.

Your heart, your spirit, is not just forgiven.  It is “a new creation.”  It is justified:  “just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned.”

The armor starts with truthfulness and a clean conscience.

3. The shoes of PEACE

Next, put on “peace.”  Roman warrior sandals had one-inch nails fastened into the bottom of them.  They gave the soldier a sure footing.

“Peace” means that you feel secure, not unstable.  It is an inward sense that everything is going to work out.

Check your “peace.”  If you are anxious, fearful, or even dreading this battle, lace up your sandals.

4.  The shield of FAITH

The fourth piece of armor was the large, four-foot by two-foot shield.  It was like holding a door over your head.

The soldiers on the wall above shot flaming arrows at you.  That shield kept you safe.  It could even interlock with 15 other soldiers around you and make one big HUGE shield.

Stay behind the shield.  Faith is a REST.  You are safe if you remain “in faith” and not “in fear.”

5. The helmet of SALVATION

The mind is where things go crazy in a spiritual battle.  Satan whispers his scenarios, bad outcomes, and impossibilities into your ear.  

You need a helmet.  You will have to reject thoughts that are lying and false imaginations constantly.  

Remind yourself of Satan’s defeat and Christ’s victory in your great salvation on the resurrection day.  You are victorious with Christ!

6. The sword of the SPIRIT

This sword was more like an 18-inch dagger.  It hung on the belt and was the primary offensive weapon of the soldier.

That is the Scripture.  You need a “word,” a specific verse from Scripture that the Lord speaks to you to fight the enemy.

Wait on that word.  When that verse comes, use it to beat the devil over the head with it every moment of every day.

Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and a word from the Lord.  Now, you are prepared to take on the devil head-on!


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