In a storm, throw out the four anchors of faith

Paul was on a ship in the Mediterranean Sea that was caught in a massive storm.  For two weeks, they bobbed up and down like a tiny cork in a frenzied ocean.

Finally, they came near to land.  They released the four anchors from the rear of the ship.  The ship stabilized and all 276 of the passengers ultimately made it to shore.

“Four anchors.”

I found the four anchors that Job released into his terrible storm.

They helped him, and they will help you also.  

If you are in a storm right now, drop these four anchors:

1. God is always WORKING when I can’t see it.

On the left hand, when He is working, I do not behold Him.” (Job 23:8-9).

Have you ever prayed in a storm and it seemed that God didn’t even hear you?  Nothing changed.  

Nothing changed for Paul for over TWO WEEKS!  “All hope that we would be saved was abandoned.”  

And then, an angel appeared.  God WAS WORKING all the time to rescue them!

2. You will pass this test like pure GOLD. 

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10)

A test is like fire, and your faith is like gold.  Paul passed the test and was confident that they would all be saved.

So take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told.” (Acts 27: 25)

Stand in the fire.  Your gold is already starting to shine!

3. Hold fast to the WORD OF GOD every day in the storm.  

“I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.” (Job 23: 12)

I started reading the Bible daily when I was 16.  I’ve read it through every year for many years.  However, when I was so sick, I CLUNG to the Bible promises for healing.

In a storm, throw out the anchor of Scripture promises.  Stand upon the Word.  Speak the Word with boldness.  Remind God of His Word and rebuke Satan with His Word.

Over time, God’s promise will prevail!  It is a Rock, a blood-sworn oath of God’s intentions to us.

4. God has a PURPOSE for you to fulfil.  

“For he will complete what he appoints for me”  (Job 23:14)

In a storm, remember your purpose.

The angel that appeared to Paul told him, “Fear not, Paul.  You MUST STAND BEFORE CAESAR” (Acts 27: 24).

I’m living in “lifetime number two.”

I have a divine purpose: to train 100,000 pastors at Pastors University.

What is your purpose once the storm is passed?

Focus on that.  God’s not finished with you yet.  “He will COMPLETE what He appointed for me.

If you are in a storm today, throw out all four anchors:

  1.  God is WORKING.

  2.  I will stand the test like GOLD.

  3.  GOD’S WORD is my Rock.

  4. I have an assignment to complete, a PURPOSE.

Land ho!



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