In An Overly Complex World, This Is How You Have Peace

My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you” (Jn. 14:27)

Have you noticed that the world is becoming incredibly complex for those of us who are simple?

Shipping labels and bank passwords and tax payments and home/car/yard maintenance and kids sports/school/attitudes and work drama and national drama and health drama and…infinitum.

How do we get off the merry go round?  What can we do to get back control of our lives?

  1. Stay in your role.

    We are all trying to do things we are not cut out or qualified for.  We each have a role, certain gifts and skills.  If it’s not your role, delegate it.

    Your skills are easy and effortless for you.  Let someone else in your life do the things you are not capable of handling. 

    Often, your spouse has a completely different set of skills that you should be accessing instead of managing everything yourself.  You may need to hire that person.  Whatever you do, stay out of the areas you are not good at.

  2. Quit making so many changes.

    We are all so dissatisfied with life.  Social media shows us a display of people who have succeeded.  I’m happy for them but “who cares what they do”?

    Stay satisfied.  Find easy, simple routines that work for you and stay in them.  Don’t be always looking for “new and improved” ways of saving 1 minute a day.  

    There is something to be said for avoiding crowds, long lines, hustle and bustle, the latest technology.  Get your daily tasks down to a simple system and work it.

  3. You’ve got to pray and get quiet.

    Whatever you do, find a “quiet time.”

    Silence, quieting your mind and body, and letting your spirit commune with God every day is critical in our present day and age.

    Rise earlier (when it’s still dark!).  Sit quietly.  Sing a favorite psalm or hymn to God.  Rest in the Holy Spirit.  Worship.  

    You are preparing yourself for the “whirlwind” that will start in a few minutes and won’t end until you brush your teeth at night.

  4. Live free from drama.

    Drama is like a car that suddenly breaks down in a long line of traffic at a red light.  Everything stops.

    People who are disorganized, negative, angry, ditzy, gossipy, and cantankerous consume most of your emotional bandwidth.

    Take the next exit.  Let them go on their lives without you.  Block their number.  Stop talking about their drama.  Let them go block up someone else’s life.

  5. Shop local.

    I’m all about stewardship and surfing.  I want the best value and best possible price.  But at what price?

    Try it on.  Handle it.  Pick it up.  Pay a dollar more if necessary.  Is it worth staying home all day waiting for the Fed Ex truck?

    Not me.  I’m done.  Mostly.

Let’s calm down and take control.


How to Organize Your Life


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