3 Ways to Know if it is Well with Your Soul
The famous hymn, “It is Well" is one of my favorites. We all love to sing it but never answer this question: “Is it well with my soul?”
Here are three key questions that will help you to know that:
The “soul” is made up of three elements: “Mind, emotions, and will.” The “mind” is our BELIEFS. The “emotions” are our FEELINGS. The “will” is our PURPOSE.
Check yourself out if you battle with a soul that constantly spirals downward:
1. MIND: Do I have limiting BELIEFS?
A “limiting belief” is a “lid on your mind.” It is like a floor that an elevator won’t go beyond. You become stuck at a level, a mental plateau. You become convinced you will never rise higher financially, educationally, maritally, physically.
“God is able.” That’s all I’m going to say to that. “God is able…able to do…exceeding abundantly above…all we can ASK or IMAGINE” (Eph. 3:20).
A “limiting belief” torments you night and day. It tells you that you are failing and will always fail. Break through that barrier! Smash that glass ceiling! Say to your soul, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Predict success next year in your job, your business, your finances, your marriage, and your health.
“When you discover your purpose, your soul will discover what you have spent years trying to find.”
2. EMOTIONS: Do I have passionate JOY?
Your emotions are a roller coaster of “highs and lows.” Elijah was up one day and ready to die the next. Someone asked Smith Wigglesworth, the great evangelist, “How do you feel today?” He replied, “I never ask Mr. Wigglesworth how he feels.”
Passive, depressed emotions make you want to hide from people and yourself! Start to sing Psalm 23 phrase by phrase. “Rejoice” is a command, not a feeling. When you “rejoice,” your soul, your emotions, and your feelings hear it.
“Why are you cast down, O my soul?…for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God” (Ps. 43:5).
3. WILL: Do I have a fixed PURPOSE?
Do you ever wonder why pro basketball players leave a team where they make more pay just to “play on a championship team?” Money doesn’t mean as much as their “fixed purpose”: winning a championship.
People want to make a difference. What is your purpose? Whose life is different because you purposefully invested your time, your money, your passion?
I suggest you discover that life is more than money, titles, prestige, power, and possessions. WHY do you have all these things?
A “will” that is unfocused is miserable. God gave you that strong will, that powerful desire in order to make a difference, to improve your world!
When you discover your purpose, your soul will discover what you have spent years trying to find.
When your mind has no lid—
when your emotions remain passionate—
when your purpose remains fixed—you are “well.”
Make it “well with your soul.” It’s the start of a brand new you!