How to Get the Jericho Walls to Fall Down
Sometimes, leaders face impossible circumstances…like Jericho. Two huge, impenetrable walls. No way out or in. No hope. We all face those walls.
How do we get the impossible to move out of our way?
1. Deal with your OWN issues.
Joshua was within 2 miles of Jericho when God told Him to circumcise the warriors. A whole new generation had come up without taking the covenant of God. It took them days to recover from that minor surgery…right in sight of the battlefield.
When you are facing an impossible problem, deal with yourself FIRST. Settle every internal issue with God. Fear? Resentment? Rebellion? You can’t afford to have anything in your heart distracting you from an all out assault against those high and mighty walls.
2. Think INSIDE the walls.
God told Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand.” That was BEFORE the battle even started!
Old Testament scholars call it the “prophetic perfect” tense. It’s not “I WILL” give Jericho but “I HAVE GIVEN” Jericho into your hand.
Why? Because God is in the future and acts as though the impossible has already happened.
That’s how you need to think. Faith acts as though the impossible has already happened.
“That’s how you need to think. Faith acts as though the impossible has already happened.”
3. Take your TIME.
Don’t get impatient in dealing with impossible circumstances. God told them to march for seven days around the walls.
“Walls” and “gates” don’t move easily. You have to circle them in faith a number of times. Satan may laugh at you the first day but starts to get worried by the seventh day!
Wear him down. Keep your eyes on God and keep marching. When days turn into weeks, months, and years, “keep on walking”.
4. Blow the TRUMPET.
God’s plan is praise. Praise is a spiritual statement: “My God is bigger than any walls.” His power builds up by praise.
Praise Him in the darkness. Praise Him at midnight. Praise Him in hopelessness. Praise Him when the enemy laughs. Praise dropped Jericho’s walls, opened Paul’s jail cell, and destroyed Jehoshaphat’s enemies.
5. Keep your HANDS clean.
Sometimes, our greatest victories can become our greatest challenges. We win a battle and become disobedient.
One of the warriors at Jericho (named Achan) stole some forbidden wealth from the battlefield zone. God judged Israel for it and he lost his life when discovered.
God WILL give you victory over your walls. The question is, “Can you walk in victory over your desires after the victory over your circumstances?”
Maybe you are facing some “Jericho walls.” They look impossible.
Check your life before the battle.
Think inside the walls as though the battle was already over.
Don’t get impatient.
Praise God continually.
Jericho fell, and so will those walls facing you today!