A Note of Sanity in a Mad Dash for THINGS
People broke through doors, overturned displays, ran through aisles and pulled down televisions on to people’s heads and into a heap on the floor.
Black Friday. How did we go from “Seasons Greetings” to “Seasons Beatings?”
By worshipping “things.”
“Things” are not bad. Paul told Timothy that, “God…gives us all things to enjoy.” Homes, cars, clothing, food, pleasure, travel, and everything good comes from God’s generous hand.
But when “enjoyment” turns to “worship,” however, life goes upside-down.
Here are some good perspectives to keep during this most blessed season:
1. “Things” should not control us.
Satan uses “things” to gain access to our worship. He even tried that with Christ. He offered Him all the things of the world if He would simply bow in worship to him. He still does the same.
2. Satan uses three ways to capture our hearts.
“ATTRACTION”—Our eyes become fascinated with something material, good or bad. Eve saw that the tree was “pleasant to the eyes.” No real harm done…yet.
“ATTACHMENT”—Now, we become obsessed with it. We search it out endlessly. We study it, dream about it, fantasize about it. We are “stuck” and can’t shake the obsession.
“WORSHIP”—Finally, your whole soul is given to it. We boast about it. We display it everywhere for all to see. It becomes part of our identity. It has become “worship.”
“When we truly demonstrate to God that we love Him above all “things,” He will open the windows of heaven to bless us without measure!”
3. God wants to know if we love Him more than anything else.
Abraham was asked to give up Isaac (then he didn’t have to). Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love Me more than these things?”
When we truly demonstrate to God that we love Him above all “things,” He will open the windows of heaven to bless us without measure!
4. Now, your purpose changes from “WORSHIPPING” things” to “USING things” to help other people.
The Bible calls it “doing good” and being “rich in good works.” You start dreaming of how you can use your “things” to help others, bless others, and show them the goodness of God.
Why not find at least one person every day this season to show the goodness of God to? Stores set up “sample” booths. Why not give someone on your street or on your job a taste of how good God is?
5. Plant a “precious” seed.
Here, now, is the ultimate generosity. It is when I take something that I deeply cherish and give it to another.
Mary gave her perfume (worth a year’s salary) and poured it on Christ. The widow in the temple gave two small coins, all she had to live on. It was indeed “precious.”
This season, ask God to show you where to plant a “precious” seed. Plant a church. Sponsor a child. Invest in a worthy project that is changing lives.
Yes, this season is more than running right over the top of other terrified shoppers for a 10% discount.
It is about God’s precious, holy gift that has changed our lives forever.