How to Shape Your Own Destiny
“Destiny” is a big word. It sounds like your whole life in seven letters.
Actually, it is easier than you think. Destiny is when you connect your purpose to the purpose of God.
God has a purpose. It is eternal. It was there before the world began. Some parts of that purpose, however, will not be done until we connect our purpose to God’s purpose.
Here are my four main concepts of how to shape your destiny:
1. God loves you to “purpose His purposes.”
Mary knew that it was the purpose of God for Christ to die on the cross. Then, an idea began to form deep in her heart: “Why not pour my most expensive perfume over His head to anoint Him for burial?” Only love could have told a woman to part with her best perfume, especially if it cost one year’s salary!
God’s purpose is waiting on your purpose. Until you engage your heart, your dreams, your imagination and your desires, your destiny will not be fulfilled.
2. When I release my small purpose, God releases His abundant purpose.
Jesus asked Peter to give Him his boat for an afternoon so He could preach to the masses. Afterward, He told Peter to “launch out into the deep and let down his nets for a catch.”
It took TWO BOATS to hold that catch!
God will shower His abundance on anyone who will connect his purpose to furthering God’s purposes.
“Destiny is when you connect your purpose to the purpose of God.”
3. I cannot go beyond His purpose for my life.
God’s purposes controlled “where” and “when” you would be born (you had no control over that). In fact, there are many factors you did not choose or determine. Your purpose, however, is to maximize the time and influence He has given you to serve His purpose in your generation.
God’s purpose was for you to possess certain gifts, talents and assignments. Your purpose is to discover those gifts and assignments and use them to give God the greatest glory possible.
4. When I connect to God’s purpose, nothing can stop me until I fulfill His purpose.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28, NASB)
When I discover God’s purpose for my life, the only thing that can stop me is ME. I am fulfilling my “destiny.” Paul said that even the hard spots, the rough spots, the opposition, the delays, the seeming failures are all WORKING TOGETHER FOR GOOD.
He continued: “Neither tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword…nor death, nor life, nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
In essence, the only thing that can stop my destiny is “ME.”
This is life. This is destiny. Connect your purpose to the purpose of God and live in your destiny!