Stability is the number one need right now.

Some years ago, I was in Medellin, Columbia (South America), staying on the 17th floor of a hotel on the side of a mountain.

Sitting reading my Bible in my room, I looked out over the beautiful mountainside.  Suddenly, my feet began to MOVE.

I was in an earthquake!

The whole colossal building began to move and sway. After 30 seconds, the swaying stopped

I felt “unstable.”

And he will be the STABILITY of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.” (Isa. 33:6)

If there has ever been a moment that we need “stability” it’s THESE TIMES!

Here are the factors that make for a sense of stability:

1. When HONOR is like “gravity.”

Honor is the “gravity” of heaven.  Gravity is invisible, but it controls our planet. The atmosphere or “gravity” of heaven is “HONOR.”  Everyone there honors God and each other.

Outdo one another in showing honor” (Rom. 12: 10).

Satan brings instability when he causes one person or group to “dishonor” another:  rich or poor, skin color, nationality, political party, and the list is infinite.

Peter said it best:  “Honor everyone.”  (1 Pet. 3: 17).

Look past a person’s exterior and to the fact that they are made in the image of God.  HONOR THAT.

2.  When JUSTICE is genuine.

God hates injustice.  He is the Just God.  He is no respecter of persons in justice.  His principles, not people, are His basis of justice.

We must guard our justice system with impartial judges who have no hypocrisy.  

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels, I charge you to keep these rules without PREJUDGING, doing nothing from PARTIALITY” (1 Tim. 5: 21).

Both of these things are wrong.  

“Prejudging” is to conclude without an open mind and before all the facts are known.  

“Partiality” means supporting a particular side to win instead of being “impartial.”  Both are injustices.

Let us pray that our judicial officials judge every matter carefully, without prejudice or partiality.  That will bring “stability.”

3. When God and His Word are respected.

Our Constitution and form of government were created by the Bible.  

For the Lord is our JUDGE; the Lord is our LAWGIVER;  the Lord is our KING; he will save us” (Isa. 33:22).  That verse formed the constitutional basis for our three branches of government!

We must pray for all our elected officials to be men and women of prayer, asking God for wisdom to make decisions, laws, and rulings.  

4.  When the family is restored.

Satan seeks to bring instability through the breakdown and “break up” of the family.

Affairs, cheating, and “womanizing” is seen as usual.

No fault divorce wreaks havoc on the next generation.

Fatherless families are seen as the number one cause of home instability. This includes fathers who are too busy at work to notice their children.

And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction” (Mal. 4: 6).

WE NEED A RETURN TO STABILITYHonor, justice, respect, and family.

“God, be the stability of our times.”  


How to LISTEN better when you love to talk


This Memorial Day reminds me of four important thoughts.