My Top 5 Secrets to Being a Successful Grandparent
What is your legacy?
It is not what you build or accomplish. It is your family, your sons, daughters, and grandchildren.
“Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy?” (Ps. 127:3)
I just had my 12th grandchild. How can you better prepare and position your “legacy” for success?
You may not have children or grandchildren yet. They may be spiritual children and grandchildren, people you are fathering and mothering in their lives. The same principles apply.
Here are my top 5 secrets to successful grandparenting:
1. It takes ENERGY.
You have a TON of energy when you are bearing and raising children. By the time grandchildren come along, that “energy curve” has diminished.
Prepare yourself physically to keep up with babies and toddlers again. Pace yourself. Don’t put yourself into a position where you can get exhausted and overwhelmed.
Select a day of the week or a weekend a month, etc. Draw boundaries based upon your full energy capacity. Remaining strong and energetic is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in raising them well.
2. It takes FIRMNESS.
Many grandparents fall into the idea that they are to coddle, pamper, and be a general “refuge” from all discipline and correction. They are afraid their grandchild may not love and dote over them eternally. That is a bad idea.
Your children work hard to discipline the selfishness, tantrums, and rebellion out of them! Don’t undo everything with all the sugar and television they can binge on. Ask them what disciplines are appropriate and let little “junior” know that there is authority around. They will love you for it.
3. It takes FOCUS.
Working with grandchildren is focus. It is not endlessly scanning your phone while they sit mindlessly in front of a movie.
Take them outside. Wear them out for a good nap! Color with them. Read them books. Take them to a playground and watch all their best efforts to catch your attention. You CANNOT go about you regular routines of life when they are with you.
“Your legacy is not what you build or accomplish; it is your family, your sons, daughters, and grandchildren.”
4. It takes FLEXIBILITY.
This is a new generation. They are manipulating cell phones at 2 years old. One of my toddler granddaughters ordered something off Amazon without her parents' knowledge!
Go ahead and learn technology. That is their world. Love it, learn it, communicate with them through it. Don’t resist the change of our world, embrace it…and your grandchildren at the same time.
God told Israel to teach their sons and daughters that they may teach their sons and daughters to fear Him.
Read the Scripture to them. Timothy’s grandmother, Lois, obviously taught him the Scriptures “from his childhood” (2 Tim. 1:5, 3:15). Talk to them about your testimony of salvation. Tell them about your calling. Read them Scripture from a Children’s Bible every night. Answer their questions about God, creation, and evil in the world.
They are your future.
They are your legacy.
They are God’s new generation!