Leadership Larry Stockstill Leadership Larry Stockstill

Forgiveness 101

Why is it so hard to forgive? I run across leaders all the time who have deep grudges, bitter feelings, and hard hearts. An unforgiving heart could be in the top five issues all leaders deal with.

Marriages are affected, health is affected, and even generations are affected. Forgiveness 101 is all about conversations, decisions, and memories.

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Leadership Larry Stockstill Leadership Larry Stockstill

Forgiveness 101

Why is it so hard to forgive? I run across leaders all the time who have deep grudges, bitter feelings, and hard hearts.  An unforgiving heart could be in the top five issues all leaders deal with.  

Marriages are affected, health is affected, and even generations are affected.  Forgiveness 101 is all about conversations, decisions, and memories.

Here are my top three thoughts about forgiveness:

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