Family Larry Stockstill Family Larry Stockstill

The 5 Amazing Secrets of Building an Abundant Life

Jesus spoke about having “life and having it MORE ABUNDANTLY” (Jn. 10:10).  This phrase means, “more than they can possibly use, a surplus, something that goes way beyond necessity.”  Quit thinking about barely getting by in life!

Here are some areas for you to apply this beautiful phrase to your life:

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Family, Leadership Larry Stockstill Family, Leadership Larry Stockstill

My Top 5 Secrets to Enjoying Life

Why are people making more, owning more, and interacting more…and enjoying it less?

Solomon had everything:  intelligence, pleasure, productivity, possessions, and long life.  In spite of that, he said, “I hated life!”  Really?

What are the secrets to enjoying your life…without or without all those things?

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Leadership Larry Stockstill Leadership Larry Stockstill

5 Ways That Order Can Transform Your Life

“Out of order.”

It’s a sign you often see on a gas pump.  Why doesn’t it just say, “Broken?”  When something has no order, IT IS “broken.”

Life, family, health, finances, and relationships can all be “broken.”  How can you repair them?  By putting them back into order.

Let’s look at some of these areas and see how the principle of order can transform your life:

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