The Seven Lamps of the Spirit and How They Transform Your Life

I was always puzzled to read in the Book of Revelation about the “seven lamps of the Spirit” before the throne. 

I finally figured out what they are:  aspects of the Spirit’s work in your life (Isa. 11:2).  Here they are and what they practically can do in your life:

1.  “Spirit of the Lord” (intimacy)

  • The center shaft of the Jewish “menorah” (the seven branch candlestick in the Hebrew tabernacle) is the most prominent. All the other branches come out of that one.

  • I believe this represents Jesus. He is the main “Branch.” I must have an intimate relationship with Him and His Word in order to be “filled with oil” and never dry spiritually.

2.  “Spirit of wisdom” (order)

  • Wisdom is order. Solomon, the wisest man ever to live on earth, put the kingdom of Israel into “order.” He developed amazing governmental systems, wrote thousands of proverbs, and made Israel the richest nation in history.

  • The Holy Spirit is not the author of confusion. He will help you to organize your family, your money, your marriage, your business, and then bless you with amazing financial freedom.

3.  “Spirit of understanding” (clarity)

  • Understanding is clarity. I’ve been with very wealthy, important people who have no purpose. Money is not a purpose. Rich people who retire figure that out.

  • Clarity concerns the will of God. What is God’s purpose for you? What is His will? What should you invest your life in doing? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you “understanding in the will of God.

4.  Spirit of counsel” (decisions)

  • When you get ready to buy a house, marry somebody, take a job or move somewhere, the Holy Spirit has something to say about that. You can make one bad decision and alter the entire course of your future for generations to come.

  • One GOOD decision can change a lifetime of BAD decisions. If you find a compass in the deep woods, you start on your way out.

5.  Spirit of might” (authority)

  • Many of us live our lives in weakness and fear. We run from our shadow. We are especially afraid of the future, the devil, and the unknown.

  • The spirit of “might” gives you authority, boldness, and excitement for the future. You step boldly into your future, knowing that the Holy Spirit is guiding and empowering you every step of the way.

6.  Spirit of knowledge” (faith)

  • Knowledge is faith. My grandson has a lifetime fishing/hunting license his Dad bought him at 3 years old. He has no idea the authority he already has!

  • Christians lack knowledge. They don’t realize that Christ already set them free from sin, infirmity, depression, addiction, and a host of other enemies.

7.  Spirit of the fear of the Lord” (integrity)

  • The last candlestick is the purity of fire itself. The Spirit wants our minds, our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our relationships to be pure, holy, and true.

  • I’ve prayed through these seven “lamps” daily for many years. Light them in your heart each day, and watch your life be totally transformed!


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