How To Stay in the Will of God
The will of God: Is it a “path” or an “environment”? It’s BOTH. You have to “find” God’s path. You have to “follow” God’s path by your attitude.
Israel “found” God’s path from Egypt to Palestine (the cloud and fire). They could not “follow” it because of their attitudes.
Here are the 6 ways from 1 Thessalonians 5 that will help you to “follow” the will of God after you “find” it:
1. HONOR your leaders (v. 12)
Respecting your leaders will keep you in the will of God. Israel had a huge problem with this. They spoke against Moses’ leadership and direction at every turn.
Stay in line with leadership. They are NOT always right but rebellion against them is a sure-fire way to miss out on your Promised Land.
2. Be an ENCOURAGER (v. 14)
Another big attitude to remain in the will of God is that you don’t get IMPATIENT with those who are a real challenge for you in the church: the “broke, busted, and disgusted.”
If they are tired, wounded, or just pure “drama,” love them anyway. Strife with other Christians will side-track you every single time.
3. FORGIVE your enemies (v. 15)
An attitude of revenge will move you out of the will of God. If we remain unoffended, we remain in the will of God.
We are called to bless and not curse, to show good instead of repaying evil for evil. Stop planning your revenge! Plan how you can overcome their evil with your good.
“If we remain unoffended, we remain in the will of God. ”
4. Always be JOYFUL (v. 16)
Joy is a PERSPECTIVE, not a feeling. It is an eternal perspective when you are in a trial.
Joy is a PERSON, the Holy Spirit. Your mind is depressed but your spirit is victorious when He is there.
Joy is an ATTITUDE, a command (“re-joice”). It is something you decide to do. It instantly changes your environment, even when you feel you are off the “path.”
5. Never stop PRAYING (v. 17)
How can I do THAT? You might say, “I have a job, a few kids, a bunch of responsibilities!”
“Set your mind on things above” (Col. 3: 2).
Stay connected. A “prayer time” is wonderful. Why not just stay “online” with God?
Think of prayer as a continual conversation from heaven. Prayer is a heavenly POSITION. You are “seated with Christ in heavenly places.” The more conversation you have “up there” the more you will walk in his perfect will “down here.”
6. Be THANKFUL in all circumstances (v. 18)
“…For this is the will of God!”
The last attitude of walking in the perfect will of God is to walk in gratitude, contentment and appreciation. Grumbling, complaining, and murmuring will always lead you outside of the environment of God’s will.
Israel could NOT STOP griping, grumbling, and complaining about their living conditions!
Change your attitude to gratitude.
Stay honoring, encouraging and forgiving.
Be joyful, prayerful, and grateful.
THAT’S how you STAY in the path of God’s perfect will.