This is how “covenant” changes everything in life.

Have you ever wondered where we got a “handshake?”

History shows that it was a sign of blood covenant.  

Two people would make a small cut in their palms and then join their hands over their heads.  It showed those observing that they had become “blood brothers.”

In today’s world, hardly anything means anything!  Covenants, contracts, words, or vows are easily broken.  

God is a “covenant God.”  If you want to know Him, it is through the “new covenant.”

Here are four things about covenant that will change the way you live your life:

  1.  Covenant makes you “one.”

Marriage is not a simple arrangement or contract.  It is a covenant.

God supernaturally makes the two of you “one.”  You are no longer two separate people.  Your joys, your difficulties, conquests, become shared. 

In ancient times, they called it a “covenant of salt.”  Two people brought their small bags of salt and emptied them into a third bag.  It was shaken, then opened, and poured out.  No one could distinguish in that third bag what salt belonged to who! 

It was “one.”

We are absolutely “one” with Jesus.  All that He has is ours and all that we have is His.  We are “joint-heirs.”

2. Covenant changes your name.

In the Old Testament, we see “Abram” become “Abraham.”

Jesus changed “Simon” to “Peter.”  “Saul” became “Paul.”

Even in marriage, there is a change of name.

Because you are “one” in covenant, your name changes.  

You have taken on the identity of your covenant partner.  They give you their name, and you give them yours.  

We are one with Christ.  That’s why He gave us His name to use in prayer.  

3. Covenant is an exchange.

In a similar way, David and Jonathan entered into covenant and exchanged weapons.  Jonathan gave David his robe, armor, sword, bow, and belt (1 Sam. 18: 4).

Jesus has given us his “armor” (Eph. 6: 10).  When we stand in His armor, Satan has no power to overcome us.

Put on Christ’s armor every day for spiritual protection.

4. Covenant is an obligation.

When the great British explorer, Henry Stanley, entered into a blood covenant with an African chief, they exchanged gifts.  Stanley gave the chief a goat and the chief gave Stanley a large spear wrapped in copper wire.

Stanley soon learned that this chief was the most powerful in Africa. All he had to do was show that spear and no one dared to touch him!

Covenant obligates you to protect your covenant partner.  You “have their back.”  

Jesus “has our back.”  He will never leave us or forsake us!  

No wonder Jesus implemented the “Lord’s Supper.”  It is a memorial of our new covenant with Him.  It is a blood covenant, sealed with Christ’s own blood.

Christ is “one” with us.

We have received His Name.

We have received His armor.

He is our Great High Priest who honors the terms of the New Covenant in His blood.

Next time you pray, remember these four principles of covenant.

“Covenant” can change everything in your life!


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