My Top 10 Commandments of Love
Everyone has read 1 Corinthians 13. Most Christians know it as the love chapter. I’ve read it a hundred times but struggle to DO IT. The words seem to blend into a beautiful picture, like a work of art. The problem, however, is if I just LOOK at it but can’t implement it. I looked at 1 Cor. 13 a different way the other day. I stopped nodding my head and starting searching my soul. I looked into the mirror of how my behavior stacks up to my beliefs.
Here is the way I read it this time:
Love is:
1. “Patient.”
I’m impatient. How do I do when I am standing in a line?
2. “Kind”
I’m unkind. Am I gentle or rough?
3. “Does not envy.”
I’m envious. How do I feel when I see someone else being celebrated?
4. “Does not boast.”
I’m boastful. Can I resist telling someone of my latest accomplishment?
5. “Is not arrogant.”
I’m arrogant. Do I ever look down my nose at others?
“Look into the “love” mirror. Ask your self each day, “Is that me?”
6. “Is not rude.”
I’m rude. Can I resist a well-placed cut down of someone’s appearance?
7. “Is not self-seeking.”
I’m selfish. Do I sit quietly and receive what is best for the group or do I put forward my opinion of what would most benefit me?
8. “Is not irritable.”
I’m irritable. Am I easily annoyed by inconvenience and delay?
9. “Is not resentful.”
I’m resentful. Do I keep track of the smallest slights others give me?
10. “Does not rejoice in wrongdoing.”
I rejoice in wrongdoing. Do I secretly delight to see others I compete with stumble and fall?
There you have it: the Ten Commandments of Love.
I can now see that I have a long way to go.
Try reading these things every day for this week. Look into the “love” mirror. Ask your self each day, “Is that me? Do I need to change in that area?”
QUESTION: What area of love would you most like to change about yourself?