How to Set Faith Goals
Everybody sets goals, especially in a new year. Some are attainable and some are hopeless. By now, many have abandoned their goals for the year and some never set any! As a pastor for over 40 years, I learned how to set goals that were motivated by faith. A vision, a process, a timeline, and a focus caused many buildings to be built and services to grow. Back in September, I could not do a single push-up (maybe one “girl” push-up!). I felt I could work up to 50 push-ups if I just added one a day. With the help of a push-up app, I did 172 yesterday (in five sets). Don’t ask me next year because I may be back down to five!
Just like building up in your push-ups, here are some secrets of setting “faith goals”:
1. “Start at the bottom”
Like my “girl” push-up, at least I knew where I was starting from. I call it “getting your foot on the bottom of the pool.”
Don’t be afraid of the facts. They become your baseline, your reference point that shows progress. In finances, in health, in church attendance, IT IS WHAT IT IS. Delusion short-circuits your goals.
2. “Get a clear vision”
In November, 1991, we owed about $2 million dollars on our 6000 seat building. Sitting in a conference where a pastor was speaking on faith, the Lord “dropped” in my heart the phrase, “Debt-free by ’93.” One year later, on the first Sunday of 1993, we paid the final $42,000 and were DEBT-FREE.
Vision is “seeing your way clear.” Set a timeline that you feel faith about. Let God show you a plan, a possibility, a process that will work. It won’t be easy, but if you follow the next few steps you will see it come to pass.
“Set a timeline that you feel faith about. Let God show you a plan, a possibility, and a process that will work.”
3. “Fix what is wrong”
Change the mechanics of your process that is hindering you. To get debt-free, we implemented a system of spending restraint and strategic principle payments. It helped us see where to cut and what to save in order to achieve our goal.
SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE about your present process. Otherwise, you would have already reached your goal! Don’t expect different results doing the same things.
For a car to go faster, it has to “shift.” What strategic shifts can you make before you start that will give you the best chance of reaching your goal?
4. “Stay totally focused”
“Launch strong.”
“Work for 90 days then evaluate.”
“Make more changes, work for 90 more days.”
“Project your success out one year, evaluating every 90 days.” REACH YOUR GOAL.
Get a new goal in year two! Always stretch your faith and get a new, attainable goal every year.
Whether it’s push-ups or property development, the principles are the same: get a reference, get a vision, fix the process, stay focused. I KNOW your life will change this year using these four simple principles!
“For a car to go faster, it has to shift. What strategic shifts can you make to achieve your faith goals?”
QUESTION: Which of these four areas of goal setting is the most difficult for you to maintain?