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Amazing things happen when you change your mindset.

Amazing things happen when you change your mindset.

The mind set on the Spirit is life and peace” (Rom. 8: 6).

How do I do that?

To “set your mind” is a “mindset.”

In other words, the culture and worldview of your mind must change.  

If you are like me, you have certain mindsets and mentalities that may limit your success.

Here are the four most significant mindset shifts everyone has to make to release God’s power:  

 1. The mindset of SCARCITY.

Am I going to have enough to make it?

The world is constantly feeding your mind about scarcity.  Statistics blare out continually about all of the earth’s resources drying up.

God made this planet, and He made it abundant. Schools of millions of fish, flocks of millions of birds, herds of wildebeest as far as the eye can see, and other parts of God’s creation show us His abundance.

Change your mindset. Jesus filled the disciples' boats with so many fish that they had to call their fellow fishermen, and “both boats were about to sink.”

He sent Peter to catch one fish that had a gold coin in its mouth!  

He is a God who can “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.”

2. The mindset of BONDAGE.

Will I ever be able to be free from this problem?”

God created us free.  He gave us a “free will.”  He sent Christ to set us free.  He delivered those on earth who were bound by demonic spirits and destructive habits.

You were made to be free.  Whatever is binding you, speak to it now, “I declare that I am free from the bondage of ___________.Jesus paid for your freedom.  The Holy Spirit brings “liberty” to the captives.  

Change your mentality, rise, and shake off the shackles that have held you captive.

3. The mindset of MISTRUST.

Will I ever be able to trust anyone ever again?

People go through heartbreaking relationships. They make a mental vow that they will never trust anyone. They refuse to put themselves again in a vulnerable position.

If you have been through a divorce, refuse to have a mindset of mistrust about ever being married again.  

Ask God to change your mentality.  Make friends with trustworthy people.  Don’t suppose that everyone is going to betray your trust.  Refuse the mentality of suspicion.

4. The mindset of DREAD.

Is something bad going to happen to me?”

Disease, shootings, war, wrecks, storms, and a hundred other things could happen.

Don’t dread them.  The news is constantly filled with the above.  

The disciples were panicked about a storm on the sea.  Jesus asked them, “Why are you afraid?  Where is your faith?”

Change your mentality.  Say, “Peace, be still.”  Refuse to dread because there is a high probability that it will never happen.

The Bible says that if you have the “mindset of the Spirit,” you will have “life and peace.”

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a mindset of abundance, freedom, trust, and peace.  

Welcome to a new world.

I love the seven blessings of Psalm 23

I love the seven blessings of Psalm 23

This is how God turns defeats into amazing victory.

This is how God turns defeats into amazing victory.