7 Things That Make Giving Amazing
I recently saw a bombed out home in Syria that was rebuilt by generosity and given back over to a widow and her children. The thrill of seeing this devastated, war-ravaged family dancing for joy was an amazing experience. Why is it that when it is time to give to others we usually think, “Oh, brother…” instead of “Oh, boy!”?
Try these 7 thoughts when you have the opportunity to be a financial blessing to someone else:
1. The lower I am financially the brighter my gift shows.
Christ commended a widow who gave a “lepta” (1/125th of a day’s wages). Sometimes people with small resources can even give “beyond my means” and it means more to God.
Quit thinking about the amount you are giving and start thinking about the proportion you are giving.
2. If I give MYSELF to the Lord first, giving money is much easier.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the chicken who said to the pig, “Let’s give something good to the farmer. I’ll give eggs and you give bacon.” The chicken was giving an offering but the pig was making a total sacrifice!
Give YOURSELF first. If everything you own belongs to God already, it is easier for Him to lay His finger on any particular part of it He wants you to sacrifice for others.
3. Jesus is my example of leaving wealth to make others rich.
None of us have ever given on the scale that Christ did. He left the glory of Paradise and lived as a poor man in Nazareth for one reason: that He might give us the riches of heaven.
Go “all in.” Leave behind some affluence so that another person might taste of the blessings you and I so richly enjoy on a daily basis.
“None of us have ever given on the scale that Christ did. ”
4. Being willing is as important as being able.
I used to think that if I didn’t have huge resources I may as well not do anything for others. WRONG. God is pleased with my “willingness” as much as the amount I am able to actually contribute.
5. What I sow is determining the size of my harvest.
Harvest is simple: “more seed, bigger harvest.” I stopped looking at my giving as loss, but as investment.
6. My heart attitude cannot be reluctant or guilty but joyful.
Giving shows me my heart. A whining, reluctant, or dutiful gift destroys the seed in the ground. Nothing cheers my heart like seeing my resources make someone else’s life sing for joy.
7. God gives me seed to sow. I can ask Him for finances to give and He will give them to me.
What prayer would God love to answer more for you than to provide you with resources you can give away?
Be bold and ask God for “seed to sow.” When He gives it…don’t eat it! Channel it to others and watch God give you even more seed to sow.
Now…go find a need and meet it!