How to Watch Over Your Heart Like a Hawk
“The heart of the issue is an issue of the heart.”
Somebody’s heart has gotten hard. Somebody’s heart has become selfish or impure. It may be MINE.
You can’t “diagnose” your heart issues. Only the Bible can. It is the “discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb. 4:12).
Here are 7 areas I try to continually look into the mirror of Scripture so I can watch over my heart like a hawk:
1. Unbelief—When I don’t want to believe that God’s promises are true for me.
Israel missed their great opportunity for a “promised land.” By letting fear and limiting beliefs stop them at a key moment, they let a whole generation die in the wilderness.
Stay humble and ready to receive what God has promised you so your heart doesn’t disqualify you.
2. Pride—When I become convinced of the superiority of my own race, status and importance.
Racial issues are heart issues. Someone feels superior. Someone is insensitive. Someone is overly sensitive.
Check your heart. Is there deep, Christian love, fairness, and even rejoicing over the beautiful differences in you and other groups?
Don’t be condemned by those whose hearts are corrupted and spew out hatred and bitterness continually. Love your brothers and honor them as in the image of God.
3. Greed—When money starts driving every decision and there’s a possession I can’t part with.
Money is never the highest value. It only matches our highest values and propels them forward.
Money is the “cars” in the train; values are the “engine” of the train.
Family, health and purpose should be the focus of life. Money should only be their servant.
“Stay humble and ready to receive what God has promised you so your heart doesn’t disqualify you.”
4. Selfishness—When the only person whose opinion matters is mine.
A selfish heart begins and ends with me. My plan, my pathway, my pleasure consumes me. Everyone else is a piece of my ultimate puzzle.
How do you insert yourself into someone else’s dream? A servant heart is continually looking to make someone else’s life complete.
5. Rejection—When I feel like everyone is looking down on me and is unfairly against me.
When a person was rejected in their heart by their parents, they automatically expect rejection. No one’s gestures of love toward them are enough.
Acceptance and security go together. God loves you as a Father and wants you to feel His approval. You don’t have to carry a chip of rejection on the shoulder of your heart. Get over it.
6. Lust—When my eyes are roving for a “feast of flesh.”
Lust comes out of the heart and then out of the eyes. You are not satisfied with a committed, loyal partner. You want stimulation, not covenant.
Get satisfied in your heart with a committed partner and the lust of the eyes will seem trivial.
7. Judging—When I set myself up as the inspector of everyone else's heart and motive.
Work on your own heart. There’s plenty of work there left to do. Ask God to deal with the hearts and motives of everybody else.
Watch that heart of yours like a hawk.