Every Day Has to Be Your "A" Game
Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like, “Today, I will bring my “B” or “C" game. Yesterday was great but today will only be average”?
Here are my top 6 secrets to consistently bring my “A” game and make a difference in the world!:
1. PLAN—
Planning is the hardest part but the biggest payoff. Planning is the time you spend to “script” your best day or best meeting. You will FOLLOW THAT SCRIPT if you just write it out before you do it!
“Average” says, “Take it as it comes. Do it if I feel like it. Never exceed what is demanded.” The moment you plan anything (like a wedding!), the pieces start to come together for something amazing.
“Quality is exceeding expectations.” That little phrase I heard years ago has changed my life. Everyone has expectations of work, products, and services. The person who exceeds that expectation has their “A” game.
Whatever you have thought about your work in the past, throw it out. Prepare to astound people with your level of thought, innovation, and concern. Leave nothing mediocre in your process but sharpen every edge until it exceeds expectation.
Certain people “loaf” and “float.” They excuse themselves from excellence. Their lazy thought processes affect their performance. Their negative attitudes rarely ever make them winners.
Find excellent people. Affiliate with their excellence. Associate with their thinking. Interview them about what stands out to you. Surround yourself with an “A” team and you will soon be one of them.
“Quality is exceeding expectations.”
Your “first draft” is never good enough. Ask for feedback from excellent people. Don’t be defensive of your first effort. Let them sharpen it, critique it, challenge it.
Daily feedback on everything you do (from marriage, parenting, work, and productivity) will bring it to another level. Insecure people defend their work. “Eagles” improve their first effort and do it again….BETTER.
Your “A” game stands for “Attitude.” What is your first thought of the day? Is it a negative holdover or unsolved problem from yesterday? That first thought will affect your performance and attitude the entire day.
Develop a “trigger thought.” For me, it is quoting my favorite Psalm (118) and a short word of praise from my mouth. Banish any sour, negative thought the entire day to the land of your “B” and C” game!
Someone said that “Enthusiasm is 90% inward and 10% outward.” It’s not just a smile. It is a genuine excitement about your life purpose and the daily work that accomplishes it.
HELPING PEOPLE IS YOUR PURPOSE. Whatever you do, tie that work to your purpose. Develop a deep, inward enthusiasm for how you help people on a daily basis.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and not for men.” (Col. 3: 23)