The Why Will Lead You to the Way
This is not an original statement with me. However, it has shaped my life greatly.
As you start into a new year, have you discovered the “why” behind all of your goals, planning, and purposes?
This subtle, simple shift can mean the difference between total life change and miserable failure.
It is shifting from being motivated from the “outside” to being motivated from the “inside.”
Here are some examples:
1. “I want to lose weight.”
That’s a great aspiration, but will that be enough when they break out the chocolate pound cake? Probably not. Then, once you fail, the goal is gone.
How about, “I want to lose 15 pounds by April so that I can live longer, feel better at work, and look 10 years younger! NOW, WE’RE TALKING.
2. “I want to start working out.”
Most gym memberships bank on the fact that you won’t keep going. Guilt and even making it to the gym for a while is not going to change your life.
How about, “I want to get in the best shape of my life and have the energy I need to keep up with my grandkids until I leave the planet!” NOW, WE’RE TALKING.
“This subtle, simple shift can mean the difference between total life change and miserable failure.”
3. “I want to get my finances in order.”
Who hasn’t thought that? With all your debt, spending habits, and zero margin it just seems like an unattainable goal.
How about, “I want to pay off debt so that I can stop working two jobs and spend more time with my children while they’re young!” NOW, WE’RE TALKING.
4. “I want to start reading the Bible.”
Religion will often drive us externally to accomplish certain devotional goals. When we miss them occasionally, we give up.
How about, “I want to clear my mind with prayer and feed my soul with truth every day before I open emails and start stressing about life.” NOW, WE’RE TALKING.
So, whatever your purpose, goal, and dream is, stop just trying to motivate yourself. “Will-power” never lasts. Watching someone else do it successfully and trying to copy them will ultimately fail.
Back up and ask yourself about every goal you have: “What is a big enough reason WHY that I can look at every day and feel amazingly motivated to go out and nail that goal?”
You will just stop spending. You will just turn away from high calorie meals. You will just put those tennis shoes on every day. You will just open the Bible every day.
Inside, not outside. Why, not what.
Try it this year and starting laughing at how successful you are in achieving the dreams you have always wanted!