The 5 Amazing Secrets of Building an Abundant Life
Jesus spoke about having “life and having it MORE ABUNDANTLY” (Jn. 10:10). This phrase means, “more than they can possibly use, a surplus, something that goes way beyond necessity.” Quit thinking about barely getting by in life!
Here are some areas for you to apply this beautiful phrase to your life:
1. Expose the THIEF of abundance:
Right before Christ said these words, He reminded us that the “thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.”
Satan is the destroyer of life in all its facets: family, marriage, health, freedom, peace, beauty, strength, growth, and eternity. If he is stealing one of those nine things from your life, command him to give it back!
2. Listen to the VOICE of abundance:
Christ said these words about abundance when discussing His role as the Great Shepherd. “My sheep hear My voice…and they follow Me. A stranger they will not follow.”
The 23rd Psalm gives us an amazing picture of Christ’s “abundance”: “I will not want…green pastures…still waters…restoration…cup running over!” There are thousands of promises in God’s Word that you can apply to your circumstances to produce “abundance.”
“If you barely have enough for yourself, how can you be a blessing to others?”
3. Receive God’s GRACE in abundance:
God is not “chinchy” with His forgiveness: “those who receive the ABUNDANCE OF GRACE and the free gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ…” (Rom. 5:17)
Apply Christ’s blood to your past sins, thoughts, and memories. Move beyond simple “forgiveness” to “friendship” with God! Realize that you are a “new creation,” a “child of God,” and an HEIR of all of the riches Christ purchased for you on the cross.
4. Develop a FINANCIAL LIFE of abundance:
“And God is able to provide you with every blessing in ABUNDANCE, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share ABUNDANTLY in every good work” (2 Cor. 9:8, NRSV).
If you barely have enough for yourself, how can you be a blessing to others?
Think differently about finances. Grow in your stewardship. That will give you earnings, savings, and overflow.
Then, let those blessings flow to others who are in great need. That’s “abundant life!”
5. Pray PRAYERS of abundance:
“Now to him who is able to do FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY than all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20).
This isn’t “barely getting along prayer!” This is asking God for great things, big things that can accomplish amazing results for the kingdom of God.
William Carey, the “father of modern missions,” said these famous words:
“Expect great things FROM God. Attempt great things FOR God.”
Oral Roberts University, my college alma-mater, has as it’s motto these powerful words:
“Make no little plans here.”
We all have to start where we are. We all have to fight adversity, poverty, smallness, and scarcity.
Prepare your thinking for your future. Prepare for an “abundance” future, a “world-changing” future.
Jesus came to give you “life more abundant” so you may as well accept it!