Do you believe God can miraculously heal even THAT relationship?

We read about water turning to wine at a wedding.  That was a miracle to START a relationship.

Can God do the same thing to HEAL a relationship?

Who is THAT person? Things have gone so wrong between you and them that nothing is left?

You’ve made mistakes.  They’ve made mistakes.  You have both said things you never should have said.

You’ve read books and perhaps had good counseling.  Still, the rift persists.  The fun spark is gone; only hurt and suspicion are left.

How can God work a miracle…in THAT relationship?

1. Let God show you the right time for a healthy conversation.

Many conversations to reconcile could be better timed.  

The best time is when you both agree you want to talk about your relationship in a civil, non-hostile way.  

It is also best to have a neutral party present who can ensure that things won’t get out of hand.

The right time for a conversation is when you are committed to one goal:  clear the air and restore the relationship (not “win”).

2.  Let God give you HIS humility to admit your part of the blame.

News flash, Larry…you are not always right.

Humility is the ability to see yourself in a correct light (not seeing yourself as always correct).

Did you communicate the wrong thing?  Was there a misunderstanding somewhere?  Is what they perceive a wrong perception you may have caused?

Own it and apologize.  It won’t kill you to apologize, and it allows them to admit their failures.

3.  Do more listening than talking.

People seek to be heard.  Listen.

You may even hear something that surprises you.  You may be tempted to jump in and defend yourself at every hand.

Be still.  Let them get it all off their chest.  Remember, the goal is not to be “right” but to be “reconciled.”

4. Silently ask the Holy Spirit to give you supernatural love for this person.

God’s love for us is called “mercy.”  He loves us even as the most wicked sinner imaginable.

See and hear the good in them as they are speaking.  Remember the fun you have had, the good times you have enjoyed.

Determine to have that back again.  Let God turn them into a person you enjoy being with again.

It’s called “grace.”

5. End the conversation with an admission of your part in the hurt and pray together for God to forgive you and heal your relationship.

End it.

Place the whole mess under the blood of Christ.

A heartfelt, warm hug communicates, “It’s over.”

Now, do something fun together.  Eat a snack together.  Play a game together.  Restore the first few steps of normal, peaceful, fun conversation.

God can do it.  Supernaturally.

Start praying for supernatural reconciliation in your family, friends, and neighbors.

We can heal our nation if we heal our former relationships…even with THAT person.

Let’s watch God turn THAT water into wine.


Divine rest is so much better than a life of stress


Trials are real. I'm facing a big one now and need your prayers...