Feelings of inadequacy can easily be overcome with these four principles:

Moses was a great leader. However, he suffered from very low self-esteem, and his past failures haunted him and kept him hiding in the desert.

God called him out of a burning bush. God told him he wanted him to travel back to Egypt and demand that Pharaoh set free 3 million enslaved people.

“WHO AM I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Ex. 3:11)

Here are the things God used to draw Moses out of his inadequacy:

1. God promises His PRESENCE with you (v. 12)

When you are alone in facing new challenges, everything feels impossible. How that changes the moment you know that GOD IS WITH YOU!

With Him, nothing is impossible. With Him, your enemies flee in terror.  

Start by recognizing that God is not only WITH you but FOR you!

2. God promises His NAME will be with you (v. 14)

God revealed to Moses that His Name was “I AM THAT I AM.” Literally, in Hebrew, that whole phrase means “Always.” It speaks of a never-ending covenant bond between yourself and God.

When you get married, you exchange names. God did that with Abraham. He called Himself “The God of Abraham.” He sealed His promises to Abraham with His “Name.”

God has given you His Name (His sworn promise) that He will be with you in what you have undertaken for Him!

3. God promises His AUTHORITY will be with you (Ex. 4: 2-3)

Moses still felt inadequate! God asked him, “What is that in your hand?” He told him to throw down his rod, which became a serpent. Then, he retook it, and it returned to being a rod.

The rod represents authority, and Moses needed to grasp His power in God. So do you and I. We feel fearful and inadequate but carry powerful authority over “serpents and scorpions” and Satan’s weapons of fear.

In Christ, you have supernatural authority to rule over the powers of darkness!

4. He promises that a PARTNER will be with you (Ex. 4: 14)

We all feel inadequate when we are all alone, and we all do better in partnership. God sent Aaron, Moses’ brother, to speak for Moses, and he had the talent to speak when Moses was weak.

God will send you people with abilities in areas you are not strong. Their adequacy will make up for your inadequacy.

Believe God for a team of people who will help you to accomplish what looks impossible to you by yourself.

If you are feeling inadequate, it’s because you are! We don’t have all that is needed to face enormous challenges.

However, everything changes when God’s presence, His Name, His authority, and His partnerships enter the picture!


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