7 Steps to Oppression and How to Find Amazing Freedom
You fight an invisible enemy. He has a strategic plan to gradually, imperceptibly squash your joy. Ultimately, he wants to control your will.
I want to show you first how he takes control. Then, I will show you how to find freedom!
Dr. Lester Sumrall, one of my greatest life mentors, teaches that there are seven steps Satan uses to bring you down a road of his having total control over your will:
1. Regression
To “regress” means to “go backward.” Satan’s first step against you is to induce you to “go back” to things you were once set free from. This usually happens a little at a time so that you feel no danger.
2. Repression
In this second stage, you start to lose your joy. The NATURAL EXPRESSION OF LIFE starts to wane. This can happen in your family. It can happen at work. It can even happen in church! (“Long-faced” religion without life is one of the most repressive things you can ever do.)
3. Suppression
The loss of joy and freedom intensifies. Now, you not only feel emotionally restrained…you feel a heavy hand stifling, smothering, covering, and curbing your entire energy.
4. Depression
The onslaught of suppression finally completely breaks your spirit. You feel pressed down until your spirit is crushed. You might find yourself staring into space for long periods, emotionless and hopeless.
“Satan’s first step against you is to induce you to “go back” to things you were once set free from.”
5. Oppression
“Oppression” means “to carry a burden that crushes you.” You might experience excessive worry about your family. The burden may be from attacks by friends. It might even be thinking that you are being punished by God.
Jesus “went about doing good and healing all who were OPPRESSED of the devil…” (Acts. 10:38).
6. Obsession
In this stage, you become “obsessed.” There develops a total preoccupation with an idea or emotion. It might be a jealousy turning to hatred. It might be an immoral obsession. It may be deep drug or alcohol addiction. It may be ANYTHING THAT CAN DESTROY YOUR WILL POWER.
In the first five stages, you can usually “shake it off” by yourself. This stage requires outside help to be free.
7. Possession
In this final stage, you have lost all of your will to be free. Satan is in charge of all of your thinking and actions.
Note: It is a long way from obsession to possession and very few people ever reach this stage.
1. “SUBMIT” to God.
Get back on the “right side of the border.” Come completely out of all darkness and step into God’s light and love. SURRENDER brings freedom.
2. “KNOW” your authority.
Christ defeated Satan on the cross, in the grave, and in the resurrection. What He did was for YOU! Claim your victory over Satan and darkness. Walk out of that “jail cell.” KNOWLEDGE brings freedom.
3. “REJOICE” in your freedom.
Get in a “free,” happy, worshipping church. Connect to a weekly, life-giving, small group. LIBERTY brings freedom.
“You will know the truth…and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).