Hearing from God is a simple matter of learning how to listen.

Any child of God can hear from God.

Radio stations broadcast all day long, but you don’t hear them.  You need a “receiver.”

God is constantly communicating with us.  Our problem is that our “receiver” (our human spirit) is basically turned off.  

Our body and mind only listen to and interact with the natural world continually.

You can train yourself, however, to listen to God’s voice.

Here are some ways you can train yourself to hear God’s voice:

1.  Most of the time, God simply gives us an inner “witness.”

What if you could ask God a question and at least get a “yes” or a “no”?

You can.

His “Yes” to your question is internal PEACE.  His “No” to your question is an internal PAUSE.  If you don’t sense peace about something, don’t move forward.

You may need to pray about a question for a while to let that inner witness get stronger and clearer (particularly about who to marry, where to live, etc.).

2. Occasionally, God speaks to us with an inner “voice.”

Sometimes, out of the “blue,” an inward voice will say a short sentence to you that KNOW did not pass through your brain.

It happened to me when the Lord called me to preach.  It’s happened numerous times in my life. 

Those moments are turning point moments.  You never question that that sentence you “heard” inside was the voice of God.

Of course, any voice or word we hear must line up with Scripture so that it does not contradict something God has already spoken.

3. He may speak through a parent or a pastor.

God uses authority in our lives.  Parents are to be honored.  Sometimes they see things we don’t.  Often, God will use a parent to give His guidance in our lives.

Pastors know the Scriptures, and that is the PRIMARY voice of God in our lives.  One Scripture can give us an answer to a complicated problem in our lives.

Be aware that God can use both of these (parents and pastors) to clarify His will in our lives.

4. He may speak through a Scripture verse

I have been reading the entire Bible every year for a long time. Without fail, at least one verse from those four chapters daily will be relevant to what I am currently facing.

Don’t open your Bible and stick your finger on a verse, expecting God to speak to you!

Read systematically.  Read daily.  The Holy Spirit will highlight just the right Word for your situation.

I realize that these four simple ways to hear God’s voice are not the spectacular “skywriting in the sky” many people look for in God’s voice.

It’s a lot easier than you think.

Put yourself in a position to hear.  Spend time waiting before God in worship when you need to hear His voice.  

Pay close attention to these four areas and EXPECT the Lord to speak to you through one of them.

He’s not playing “cat and mouse” with your life.

He’s speaking…you just need to get your “receiver” on!


Do you need a miracle in your life? "Step out" and then "step in."


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