Do you need a miracle in your life? "Step out" and then "step in."

A lot of people wait around for a miracle.

When is God going to show up?

Joshua told his people to “step out” of their old, familiar desert and “step in” to the Jordan River.

Immediately, the water started piling up 30 miles north in the river!

“Wet feet” caused the miracle to start

What is a simple action you can take to begin the process of your miracle?

Here are a few “steps” to releasing the miracle:

  1.  The miracle always starts when the situation looks the most impossible

The Jordan River overflows its banks during this time of year.  You can usually wade across it.  However, when the snow from Mt. Hermon melts during harvest, the Jordan becomes a torrent.

It becomes 10-12 feet deep and is only crossable by swimming.  Many swimmers cannot even make it across.

Why does God let your situation get “over your head” when He is ready to do a miracle?  To bring more glory for something impossible!

2. Once you get your feet “wet,” you probably won’t see any change for a while yet.

God made the waters pile up 30 miles upriver.  An invisible hand held the water back, and it GRADUALLY started to lower at Jericho, where Joshua’s people were.

They couldn’t see that massive wall of water!

Miracles start as a trickle.  Then, something more obvious.  Jesus said, “First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear” (Mark 4: 28).  All you may see at first is a little old sprout coming out of the ground.

Prepare to be patient.

God has a timing that He is working behind the scenes.

3. You should never forget when God has completed a miracle on your behalf.

God had the priests stand in the middle of the Jordan (which was now totally dry).  All of Israel, several million of them, walked across on dry ground.

He told them, however, to pick up twelve stones and stack them on the Jericho side of their Jordan crossing.  

A “pillar of remembrance.”

God wants His miracles to become monuments!  

Jesus sent healed lepers to the priest for a testimony.  How quickly we “move on” from a mighty miracle and never tell anyone what God has done!

Israel never forgot this mighty miracle for centuries because of the pillar of remembrance.  Generations of children came to look at it while someone told them how God did the miracle.  

Get your feet wet.

Don’t get in a hurry if you don’t see anything change for a while.

When the miracle has been completed,  use it as a launching pad to tell people everywhere what God has done for His glory!


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