Here are ten New Testament commandments to live your life by

We always read the ten Old Testament commandments, and we should.

Have you found these ten New Testament commandments?

Paul wrote Romans 12 as the “ten commandments of love.” All of them were written as imperatives.

Try out these ten commandments to help you solve every problem and ultimately change your world:

1. Know your gift and function in it.

Paul begins his list by telling us to be content with our gifts:  serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, etc.  We should be satisfied with who God made us to be and not try to impress others with our spiritual gifts.

 2. Don’t just pretend to love others.

Love has to be genuine and sincere.  It has to be REAL.  We cannot act like we love someone when, in actuality, we are faking it.  Be genuine in your friendships.

3.  Outdo one another in showing honor.

Honor is the culture of heaven. 

It is looking past the outer person to their true identity.

Every person is made in God’s image, whether male, female, rich, or poor.  Because of that image, every person deserves to be honored. 

4. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord.

Passion is critical in life.  A lukewarm, passive attitude is a killer for success.  Act like every action you take is done directly for the Lord Himself and not to impress others.

5. Don’t quit in hard times.  Pray all the harder.

Everyone goes through troubles and problems.  Quitting is easy.  Learn to lean on prayer as your stability in hard times.  God loves you and hears every cry of your heart.

6. Be eager to practice hospitality.

There are needs all around you.  Don’t run from someone’s need. Move toward their need.  Meet their need like the Good Samaritan did for the man robbed and beaten.  Take the time to sow seeds of kindness, even when busy.

7. Bless those who persecute you.

People are going to criticize you.  They will even judge your goodness.  Don’t curse them, but bless them.  Jesus said, “Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”  Pray for God to bless them.

8.  Live in harmony with one another.

Pride and conceit will get you nowhere.  People can feel when you think you are more intelligent than anyone else in the room.  Be willing to lean in and listen to those supposedly “lower” on the intelligence spectrum than you.

9. Don’t repay evil for evil.

Revenge belongs to the Lord.  God said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”  

When we start paying people back for their wrong actions, we get off track.  

10. Overcome evil with good.

You can’t let evil conquer you. 

You conquer evil by doing good.  Buy your enemy lunch.  Do something nice to help them out of a bind. 

Your generosity will surprise them.  Simple acts of goodness are often how significant conflicts are solved.

Read Romans 12 for yourself.  Apply these principles.  Your world is about to be changed!


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