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Eight amazing words that define your life identity (pt. 1)

Eight amazing words that define your life identity (pt. 1)

“I am Joseph.”

Those three simple words, spoken in Egypt by Joseph to his brothers, described his entire identity.

Everyone has a story, an identity.  Like Joseph, it has been shaped by the relationships, the pain, and the victories of your lifetime. 

In this week's and next week’s blog (pt. 2), we will cover the eight parts of Joseph’s identity.  I pray that you discover your identity much better after reading both.

Let’s start with the first four things that have shaped you into who you are today.  Hopefully, you will form a new identity in areas where you need freedom!

1.SECURITY with parents:  What was your upbringing like?

Your Dad and Mom (if you had both) or a single parent greatly contributed to your identity.

Joseph’s father, Jacob, preferred him over the other 11 children.  He gave him a coat of many colors and rewarded Joseph’s good behavior.

Maybe you did not receive such affirmation and affection.  Your life with your parent(s) was rejection and anger.

God can heal that wound.

Identity crisis usually starts with parental wounds.  Ask the Lord to heal your insecurity and lack of affirmation and release that parent from their failures.  HEALING USUALLY STARTS THERE.

2.  REJECTION with siblings:  How did they treat you after you left home?

Joseph’s brothers envied him. They thought about killing him but rather sold him into slavery. Envy is a dangerous emotion:

It motivated Satan to tempt Adam and Eve.

It motivated Cain to kill Abel.

It motivated Saul to try to kill David.

It motivated the Pharisees to kill Christ.

How have your siblings attacked and rejected you?

Your siblings’ approval or rejection of you has shaped your identity.  Forgive and release them where they have perhaps envied you.  God has a fabulous plan for you.

3. BETRAYAL with Potiphar:  What was the worst false friendship you ever experienced?

Once you leave home, the world is full of false accusers.  Potiphar’s wife lusted after Joseph, and he firmly denied her intentions toward him.  

It landed him in prison for years.

Where did a trusted relationship turn sour on you?

Forgive that person.  They will reap what they have sown.  You cannot be defined by one person who tried to destroy you.

4.  ISOLATION in jail:  When did you feel most alone in your lowest moment?

Everyone has been through a low point.

For Joseph, it was the isolation of an Egyptian prison for a crime he did not commit.

Have you ever run out of money?  Lost a job or career?  Found yourself with no friends or comfort?

Joseph kept his faith.  After years of pain, he did not blame God, his brothers, or Potiphar.  He kept his attitude right toward those who had seemingly derailed his life. 

Forgive those who have caused you pain.  God is going to turn your “mourning into dancing.”

Don’t allow the pain of even years of suffering to define you.  God’s dreams for your life WILL be fulfilled.

(Next week, we will deal with four more identity shifters to help you redefine WHO YOU ARE!)

Eight amazing words that define your life identity (pt. 2)

Eight amazing words that define your life identity (pt. 2)

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