Eight amazing words that define your life identity (pt. 2)

Last week, we began studying what makes your “identity.”  When Joseph told his brothers the three words, “I am Joseph,” he stated his identity.

Through SECURITY with parents, REJECTION with siblings, BETRAYAL with Potiphar, and ISOLATION in jail, his identity was being formed (you can read the entire blog for part one here:) 

What about YOUR lifetime story?  

Let’s cover the final four phases of Joseph’s life and see how they relate to your life and story as well:

  1.  FREEDOM with Pharoah:  What was your life's most significant turning moment?

In one day, Joseph went from the “prison” to the “palace.”

Pharoah had a disturbing dream, and one of his former employees remembered Joseph interpreting his dream in jail.

God can line up circumstances for you in incredible ways.  

After that day, every person in Egypt had to bow their knee when his chariot passed by (including Potiphar’s wife, I’m sure!).

God sees your difficulties.  He has something in mind. He is testing you to know if you are ready.

Pass His test by keeping your heart right.  Don’t get bitter at people or circumstances.  Freedom is right up ahead of you!

2.  MARRIAGE with Potiphera’s daughter.  How did you meet and marry your spouse?

The Bible says that when we are married, we are “one flesh.”  In other words, your identity changes to mix with your spouse.

Choosing a mate is critical in your life story.  Children, grandchildren, and whole generations will be affected by your decision.

Choose well.  Marry a believer.  Submit to counsel, parents, and spiritual oversight in your decision.  

I rejoice in 47 years of being married to Melanie.  Our lives are intertwined into one “identity.”

3. FAME with the world.  What will people most remember you for in your life?

Joseph saved the world.  His stored grain fed the world. 

You were born into this world to affect this world.  

Don’t settle for a passive lifestyle.  Find your destiny.  Get a vision of something world-changing you want to accomplish.

What will they put on your gravestone besides two dates?

4. RESTORATION with family.  How is your family coming back together in the family of God?

Joseph chose unity with his family.  They had betrayed and accused him.  He could have taken revenge the moment he saw their faces.

He chose unity.  Unity became his identity.

Believe God in 2024 for healing in your family.  Apologize to those you have offended.  Refuse to live the rest of your life with grudges and offenses.

Joseph told his brothers that he was not in the place of God to seek revenge.  Let God deal with your family members who have hurt you.

Don’t let a family feud become your identity.

If you need a new identity in any of these eight areas, ask God to help you.  

Let 2024 begin “a new you!”


Here are four big reasons God gave you a tongue


Eight amazing words that define your life identity (pt. 1)