Here are three things about Jesus that makes prayer more powerful

Why does prayer feel so mystical, so unattainable?

Why do my best intentions to pray always fall short?

How can I simplify prayer so that it strengthens me daily?

It starts with your relationship with JESUS.

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4: 15-16).

Ready to learn and grow in prayer?  Let’s grow!

1. Jesus represents you before God (Your Mediator).

Why do you think He came to earth?  He came to feel what you feel.

He went back to heaven with personal experience in your shoes.

When approaching Jesus, I talk to “the Man, Christ Jesus”  (1 Timothy 2: 5).

I’m not perfect, but He is.  My main goal in prayer is to worship Him that He represents me before God.

It makes me want to bow before Him and thank Him for being my “Mediator” to God the Father.

2. Jesus is touched with what You are going through (Your High Priest).

He got hungry.  He got disappointed with people.  He got hurt by rejection.  He faced storms.

He faced every facet of life that you are currently facing.  

That’s why He is called our “great High Priest.”  He sympathizes.  He is not mad at me when I pray. He welcomes and loves me dearly.

Approach Him as your dearest friend, unlike a trip to the principal’s office.

3.  Jesus sits on the “throne of grace” (Your Intercessor).

Our great Mediator, our great High Priest, sits on a “throne of grace that we might find mercy and grace to help in time of need.”  

He wants us to be confident as we lift our hearts, voices, and hands and worship Him.  Yes, we fail, but He is ready to forgive and restore us.

He is our “Intercessor.”  That word means someone who stands beside the accused in court and speaks to the judge to persuade Him for mercy.

WE NEED MERCY!  Jesus is your Advocate, your Intercessor.  He stands facing God day and night, pleading for mercy on our shortcomings and failures.

As I begin this new year, I am asking the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus and His love for me more than ever.

Sometimes, he wakes me up at night, and I spend time worshipping Him.

I have written out my favorite hymns and choruses with His name and sing to Him.

I focus on Him throughout the day, thanking Him as my Mediator, High Priest, and Intercessor.

“Prayer is all about JESUS.”

I know it’s a simple thought, but it is a beautiful prayer thought for you and me as we start our new year.

“Prayer is all about JESUS.”


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