How to unleash the four mighty laws of agreement

I love the power of a symphony. It is exhilarating to see a lone conductor standing before 80-100 experts who play with perfection at just the right moment!

In Greek, there is a word for that:   “symphoneo.”

From that, we get the English word “symphony,” which the Bible translates as “to agree.”

What if all those orchestra professionals did their own thing?  That is called “cacophony!”

Jesus said, “If two of you AGREE on earth about anything they ask, it will be done.” (Mt. 18:19).

Let’s look at the four powerful “laws of agreement”:

1. Agreement means to MATCH (Luke 5:36)

Jesus spoke about a piece of old cloth not “matching” a new cloth.  Different colors and different textures make a “patch” and not a “match!”

We call a good couple a good “match.”

Couples should learn to “match” to complement each other.  Even a couple of matching shirts can show “agreement!”  

Common values such as spending money, raising children, going to church, watching movies, and listening to music all turn two people into “one.”

Work on your “agreement.”

2. Agreement means to CONTRACT.

I’ve learned the importance of contracts.  It is “clearly stating expectations.”

Don’t take for granted that someone is thinking the same as you about an agreement!   

Please write it down.  Talk it through.  Be sure that you have both come to a good, stable agreement about each party's price, warranty, timeframes, and responsibilities.

Marriage is a “covenant.”  I encourage couples to get pre-marriage counseling to go over their “agreement” on kids, money, in-laws, roles, and dozens of other things that matter in a lifetime together.

3. Agreement means to MAKE MUSIC.

When the Prodigal son came, the Father had “music and dancing.”  The only one who wasn’t singing was the older brother.  He was mad and upset.  He was not in agreement, not in the “symphony.”

Churches need to agree within themselves.  Ignatius, a great church father who lived from 50 A.D. to 108 A.D., spoke about this:

Therefore, in your concord and harmonious love, Jesus Christ is sung. And do ye, each and all, form yourselves into a chorus, that being harmonious in concord and taking the keynote of God ye may in unison sing with one voice….”

Churches that fuss, fight, feud, split and divide are not a “symphony.”  

Jesus said, “Where two or three of you are GATHERED in my Name, there am I among them.” (Mt. 18: 20)

4. Agreement means to THINK ALIKE.

Jesus said, “If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask…” (Mt. 18: 19)

A “prayer partner” is critical. It is a person who thinks like you do about something that needs to change.

  • They must agree with your FAITH (never waver).  

  • They must agree with your PATIENCE (never quit). 

  • They must agree with your PERSUASIONS (never doubt God’s goodness and desire to answer).  

It will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”

Let’s start using the four powerful laws of agreement!


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