“I have seen anxiety disappear the moment I recall these three simple truths”

Computers have programs that run in the “background” and drain your battery.

Anxiety is anything that runs in the “background” of your mind all day while you go about your day…and drains YOU!  

It is an ongoing problem.  It is a real problem.  It  remains unsolved.  Having “fun” or being with friends still gives you no peace.

“Do not be ANXIOUS about ANYTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4: 6)

There are three truths in these verses that will cause you anxiety to DISAPPEAR:

  1.  “Recognize that anxiety does not solve ANYTHING.”

God commanded us “do not be anxious about anything.”  The more you think on the problem to try to solve it, the more your anxiety grows.

Anxiety” is really “fear.”  It is believing that your problem is bigger than God.  That is not true and it offends God.

Ask His forgiveness for carrying it in your mind.  Lift up your eyes to heaven and start to praise Him that He is able to solve any problem and move any mountain.

 2.   “Use prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving”

  • Prayer”—This word means “worship, devotion.” Always start by giving this problem to God with praise and worship coming out of your mouth.

  • Supplication”—This word means “specific requests.” Make a formal petition to God to come and help you solve this problem you are anxious about.

  • Thanksgiving”—Now, start thanking God as if it is already done! If you really gave it to Him, believe He heard you and He is already working behind the scenes.

  3.  Receive the peace of God.

God is not worried about anything!  When you truly give this anxiety over to Him immediately His PEACE floods your heart and mind:

  • It “surpasses all understanding.” It makes no sense because the problem is still there and unsolved! You, however, start to feel a deep sense of peace that “it is well.”

  • It will “GUARD your heart and your mind.” This word (“guard) comes from a “garrison that guards a castle.” They ride around and patrol to be sure no enemy can come in. Satan cannot get back into your mind and heart because PEACE is on patrol!

What are you anxious about today?  Set a specific moment where you get alone with God and “make your request known to him.”  Ask Him specifically for what you are worried about (health, finances, family, etc.).  Then, “receive His peace!”

Try these three steps right now.  I pray that the “peace of God that passes all understanding will (mount) guard over your heart and mind.”

Then, go ahead and have an anxiety-free day!


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