I've been thinking about 3 powerful things that cause PURE JOY

One of the things I love about holidays is the joy of “family time.”  Everyone’s car is in the front driveway…the entire island is full of food, and…the family is all into excited conversation or watching a game. It’s JOY. 

It always seems to wind down, however, to a pile of dishes.  

Joy always seems so temporary!

God, on the other hand, has a daily joy, a lifetime of joy, an ETERNITY OF JOY!

What causes God’s “pure joy?”

1. Joy has to become an eternal perspective.

Anything that dominates your mind saps your joy.

It is usually something very temporary…or even downright trivial!  We tend to FIXATE on small things most of which go away very soon anyway.

“Pure joy” comes by comparing every problem to eternity.  Will it really matter when you have been in heaven a million years?  The answer to practically everything you are unhappy about is this:  “NO!”

Take that problem and put it out about a billion years.  It doesn’t go away, but it puts it into perspective.

2.  Joy is proven in the presence of trials.

Anybody can be joyful when ALL IS WELL!  When there are no relationship problems, money problems, kid problems, health problems, etc., we feel a certain kind of “joy” (it’s really just happiness).

How about when your car breaks down on the side of the interstate?  How’s your joy level right about then?

“When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow” (James 1: 3, NLT).

Sometimes I just laugh out loud when two or things go “wacky” at the same time!  James said, “It’s time to rejoice!”  God is still right there with you like He was during the good times of peace and well-being.

3.  Joy is always going on around the throne of God.

Here on earth, most folks are pretty sad.

I’ve been in countries where you passed 100 people on the sidewalk and not one of them smiled.

Heaven is the opposite!  The Bible says, “In your presence is fulness of joy.  At your right hand there are pleasure forevermore.” (Ps. 16: 11, ESV)


Recently, in prayer, He spoke in my heart to “JOIN THE JOY!”  Angels are celebrating every new soul that enters the kingdom of God.  Believers who have gone before us to heaven are in constant praise there.

Each morning before you leave for work, “JOIN THE JOY!”  Take a moment and smile, kick your leg, and rejoice in the Lord!  

Sure you have problems.

Sure you have issues and circumstances.

Don’t let it steal your joy!  Someone said, “If Satan can’t steal your joy, he can’t SPOIL YOUR GOODS!”

When it gets darker, rejoice more!  Your joy will drive the enemy crazy and he will end up conceding the battle he has had you in.

Join the joy!”


“I have seen anxiety disappear the moment I recall these three simple truths”


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