I Will Continue To Do These 7 Things After Tuesday

Tuesday is coming.  Everyone acts as if the world will end that night.  It won’t.

I have no idea who will win what races.  Polls have us on a roller coaster.

I know one thing:  “I’m standing on the Rock.”

I have decided on 7 things I will continue to do on Wednesday morning regardless of who wins the elections statewide and nationwide on Tuesday.

  1. I will continue to pray for those in authority.

    I have prayed for every President, Governor, and Mayor for the last 51 years.  I will never stop doing that.

    God told me to do that in 1 Timothy 2:2.  If they are in authority anywhere, I will pray earnestly and fervently for them every day they are in “the office.”

    I may not agree with one thing they are for, but the only time I can change that is when there is another election.  They still are making decisions every day that will alter history and must have my prayers to choose wisely.

  2. I will continue to support my local church.

    During this crazy pandemic of 2020, churches have struggled to find their way.  Some are closed and some never closed.  Some are preaching peace and others revolution.  

    I don’t know about what every church is doing, but I know what my pastor has chosen to do.  He has prayed, sought counsel, and agonized over decisions.  I will stand with him, pray for him, support my church financially, and follow His leadership.

  3. I will continue to share my faith with others.

    Who is in office has very little to do with my salvation.

    People need Christ.  They are still on drugs.  They are still battling depression.  They are still hopeless financially.

    They need peace and hope, and I know the One who came to this dark world to give us those things.  I will continue to speak His name freely to any and all who are desperately searching for Him.

  4. I will continue to defend my nation against those who seek to destroy it.

    Some are saying they are going to a different nation.  I am not.  I love America.  My father risked his life to defend it.  His best friend in World War II, who joined the military on the same day, never came home.  

    Daddy did.

    Others may criticize my nation but I will not.  I will work to change it, but I still believe it is being greatly used by God to finance missions and spread the Gospel to the darkest corners of the globe.

  5. I will continue to stand together with those who are defending my nation.

    I am not for anarchy.  I believe in authority.  Those who tear down, destroy, and make average citizens afraid to go to the store are out of order.

    I stand on the side of those who are for order because “God is not a God of confusion but of peace” (1 Cor. 14: 33).

  6. I will listen with an open mind and heart to all who disagree with me.

    I cannot be a hard-head about change, progress, and innovation.  The world is changing.  Some things need to change.

    Those who are seeking to highlight changes may be partially or completely right.  I will seek to listen, understand, and make tangible changes that help us move forward together in the future.

  7. I will continue to work toward policies and privileges promised by our Constitution.

    I believe America was founded on a covenant with God.  I believe our Constitution is a document that guarantees liberty, not tyranny.

    I’m for the precepts our founding Fathers put into the Constitution to be carried out, not discarded.  Their spirituality and brilliance have crafted a mighty nation, a free nation.  

Those are the seven things I will continue to do on Wednesday and every day I am alive.

Whoever you are, however you vote, I love you.  I love you whether you are an American or not.  

I am a Christian before I am an American.  Nothing that happens on Tuesday can change that.


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