6 Powerful Things That Men Love About Women

If you are single, you have got to figure this out.

If you are married, you have to remember it again.

What attracts a man to a woman after all?

This week was my 42nd anniversary.  I remember the day I was married. What I remember most, however, was what attracted me to Melanie in the beginning.

Of course, she was beautiful!  Over these years, however, I have realized that it is six other qualities that KEEP me attracted.  

Here they are:

1.  Her quality

  • Face it, guys, ladies have an “eye for quality.”  We just take it any old way.  They can smell it, see it, wear it, make it, and present it better than we can.
  • It makes her “classy” to us.  She brings up the quality of everything around us.  And we like it.

2.  Her softness

  • A woman’s voice, feelings, and skin are just…SOFT.  Men love to hear women speak. They love to watch their feelings and touch their skin.  It’s just SOFT.
  • Ladies, be the “weaker vessel.”  Don’t try to be the “UFC Champion!”  Love yourself as a woman and enjoy how that softness draws your man like honey.

3.  Her elegance

  • Elegance is how she dresses and carries herself.  She matches. Everything matches, from her eye-shadow to her purse to her shoes.  She plans it well, buys it well, and wears it well.
  • Guys notice it when their partner is “together.”  Her elegance attracts him. Men usually need huge assistance in this area!  In fact, guys, you would do well to let her work on you a whole lot.
Elegance is how she dresses and carries herself.
— Larry Stockstill

4.  Her order

  • Ladies have an amazing talent for organization.  The Bible says, “She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” (Prov. 31:27).  
  • Her mind thinks of how to organize a home.  She sees where the pictures go, what window treatments work, and how to keep it all looking (and smelling) amazing!

5.  Her thoughtfulness

  • We men tend to be extremely focused on our personal agenda: accomplishment, conquest, and acquisition. Women, on the other hand, seem to have a natural focus on the needs of others.
  • I am amazed at how the needs of children, the elderly, the orphan, and the poor are constantly on the minds of women. They remember every birthday and anniversary while most men can barely remember their own.

6.  Her faithfulness

  • Someone asked me once, “What was it like raising six children with all that night time feeding?”  I replied, “I have no idea!”  
  • I figured up once that my wife has cooked at least 10,000 meals for our family and (for years) washed 8 loads of clothes a day while home schooling for over 20 years!  She did it all with joy.

Ladies, focus on those six qualities.  The world paints attraction as purely PHYSICAL. I have lived long enough to know that these are the things that keep that attraction for a lifetime.






The Top 6 Things That Women Love About Men


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