The Top 6 Things That Women Love About Men
What makes women attracted to men?
Why are some of the most beautiful women in the world married to some of the ugliest men in the world?
I’m not talking about “biceps.”
I’m talking about intangibles. Things that make them “dreamy.”
The Shulammite wife who was married to Solomon “dreamed” of her man.
Here are a few of the things that she spoke about:
1. His protection.
A woman longs for “covering.” Ruth asked Boaz to “Cover me.” She has an inward desire to be protected.
A man should understand that his woman wants him to stand between her and anything that makes her uncomfortable. It’s called “security.”
2. His embrace.
Going along with that intangible sense that she is protected when she is with him is his embrace. She senses power, strength, and direction in that embrace.
Often, a woman simply needs her man to “hold her.” That simple act of strong embrace is “off the charts” helpful in times of uncertainty or confusion.
3. His voice.
I heard it once said that men are motivated by the “eye gate” and women by the “ear gate.” Her man’s voice is soothing and communicates that sense of protection she greatly desires.
Men, talk to your spouse. Let her hear your voice. Tell her your feelings for her.
“A man should understand that his woman wants him to stand between her and anything that makes her uncomfortable.”
4. His direction.
Your spouse longs to feel a sense of direction. Don’t ask her, “Where do you want to go?” when you invited her to dinner!
Tell her your plan, your plans. Give her clear direction about everything. She can live her own life without you but has chosen to follow your direction. Don’t disappoint her.
5. His attraction.
Women spend a lot of time keeping themselves attractive. You have to notice it. Be sure you complement her when she has really gone out of her way to be amazing.
Also, tell her she attracts you when she is totally casual and dressed down. Tell her what you really like about her beauty.
6. His sensitivity.
This last one is HUGE. Women are tender in body and in spirit. They can be easily hurt, neglected or embarrassed. We men can be totally oblivious to a major issue and pain a woman is going through.
Be sensitive. Notice little cues that she is not “ok.” Study her emotions in public settings. Stay close to her instead of disappearing for hours with others. And, above all, don’t blow past what you think are “little things.” It is the little foxes that spoil the vines.
God made a woman from a man. She is “bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.” She desires him and longs to be his complement, his partner in life.
We all make huge mistakes. I have made my share. Ask the Lord to forgive you and change you into a man that your woman is totally, irreversibly, and hopelessly…
“attracted to.”