How to Overcome the Accuser in a Trial
All of us go through trials (“Fiery Trials”).
In every trial, there is an Accuser (Prosecutor), a defendant (you!), and a Judge (God).
That trial you are walking through now has a spiritual dimension playing out behind it. Satan, the Accuser, is seeking to capitalize on any of our many weaknesses.
Paul was on trial in Acts 24. Tertullun, the lawyer, called him a “pest, a rioter, and a ringleader in the sect of the Nazarenes.”
All false.
Satan accused Job before God. Rev. 12:11 says that he “accuses us day and night before God.”
Here are 5 important things Paul did to overcome Satan’s pounding accusations:
1. Keep your joy: “I CHEERFULLY make my defense” (v. 10).
Paul maintained his calm and even had cheer in the midst of a withering attack of the accuser. In essence, he said, “I will not lose my joy over your lies. Your attack has not robbed me of my positive, confident outlook.”
In your trial, continue to smile. Remember that JOY unnerves your accusers. You know they are liars and you refuse to get down on their level.
2. Stand your ground: “Neither can they PROVE it…” (v. 13).
It’s funny how you begin to agree with people who accuse you. You think, “Well, there must be some truth to it or they would not accuse me.”
Satan doesn’t need “proof.” He uses intimidation. He calls you names and labels your motives. Don’t agree with one iota of anything that is simply slander. “Anyone…can say anything…about anyone….at any time.”
3. Confess your faith: “But this I CONFESS to you…” (v. 14).
“Confession” can be either of good or bad. We think of confession only as pertains to what we have done wrong. It was also used of Christ who testified a “good confession before Pilate” (1 Tim. 6:13).
In your trial, confess out loud the promises you believe. Address the accusations and lies of the Accuser with Bible verses you have memorized and hidden in your heart. The devil cannot fight the truth!
“That trial you are walking through now has a spiritual dimension playing out behind it. ”
4. Hope in God: “…having a HOPE in God…” (v. 15).
Joseph was falsely accused. Daniel was falsely accused. Moses was falsely accused. Jeremiah was falsely accused. In every single case, God came to their defense and exposed their accusers.
God is the Judge. David turned his case over to God who “judges righteously.” His gavel will come down for you either in this life or the next!
5. Keep a clear conscience: “I always take pains to have a CLEAR CONSCIENCE…” (v. 16).
Maintain your integrity. If you have sinned or made a mistake, admit it to God and turn from it. Repentance leaves the Accuser with absolutely nothing to hold you with.
- Have I lost my joy?
- Have I believed the lies?
- Have I been ashamed of the truth?
- Have I abandoned my hope?
- Have I violated my conscience?
If your answer is “No” to all 5, you are going to win this trial!